
Summary of the Restriction on Supplementation of Salary

18 U.S.C. § 209

Table of Contents

I. Prohibition

A. Receipt of salary, or any contribution to or supplementation of salary

B. Compensation

C. Services as Government employee

1. Nature of Services

2. Intent of the Parties

a. Express Intent

b. Ability to Influence

c. Pattern of Dealings

d. Official Position

e. Employee Payor

f. Similar Payments to Others

g. Payor Motivated by Sympathy

h. Bona Fide Public Service Awards

 3. Employee

D. Any person other than the Government

 II. Exceptions

A. Payments from State or local governments

B. Employee pension or benefit plans

C. Special Government employees and uncompensated employees

D. Government Employees Training Act

E. Executive exchange or fellowship programs

F. Persons injured during the commission of certain offenses

 III.Relationship to Standards of Conduct and Other Rules

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