July 10, 1996 DO-96-033 MEMORANDUM TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials, General Counsels, and Inspectors General FROM: Stephen D. Potts Director SUBJECT: Publication of OGE Form 450: A Review Guide, and announcement of rider The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is pleased to announce the publication of a new pamphlet entitled OGE Form 450: A Review Guide. This document is an expanded and updated replacement version of the review guide for the Standard Form (SF) 450, which OGE issued in 1993. The new review guide covers OGE Form 450, which is replacing the SF 450. See DAEOgram DO-96-011 of February 27, 1996. This publication will be bound with a soft cover. It will contain approximately 45 pages of practical guidance, plus 15 pages of supplementary reference materials. A copy of the table of contents is attached. Section I is an introduction to the review guide and an overview of the confidential disclosure system. Section II describes the requirements and purpose of each part of OGE Form 450, and it offers instructions and illustrations on how to complete each part. Section III describes the review process for OGE Form 450, the purpose of review, how to prepare for and conduct effective reviews, part-by-part review instructions, and a sample review exercise with solution notes. Section IV summarizes the basic elements of an effective agency review process. Section V contains reference materials, including a glossary, selected DAEOgrams that are referenced in the text, and a blank OGE Form 450 with its instruction pages. We anticipate that this review guide will be useful for anyone who participates in the review process for OGE Form 450s or who administers an agency's confidential financial disclosure system. Orders placed now should be filled in time for this publication to be available in connection with the upcoming annual filing of confidential disclosure forms in October. If you wish to ride OGE's order, the Government Printing Office (GPO) must receive your SF-1, Printing and Binding Requisition Form, no later than August 16, 1996. Please include with your order the GPO jacket number, 412-562, and the full title: OGE Form 450: A Review Guide. GPO's address and fax number are: U.S. Government Printing Office Room C830 North Capitol and H Streets, NW. Washington, DC 20401 Fax Number: 202-512-1260 Please ensure that notice of this publication reaches all agency subcomponents that review OGE Form 450s, or include their needs with your order to GPO. If you have any questions or would like to examine a draft copy of this publication, please contact your OGE Desk Officer. Attachment _____________________________________________________________________ OGE FORM 450: A REVIEW GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I: Introduction Overview About this Guide Resources Who Files Forms Procedures Privacy SECTION II: Completing OGE Form 450 Instructions for General Information Section General Instructions for Parts I-V Instructions for Part I: Assets and Income Instructions for Part II: Liabilities Instructions for Part III: Outside Positions Instructions for Part IV: Agreements and Arrangements Instructions for Part V: Gifts and Travel Reimbursements SECTION III: Reviewing an OGE Form 450 What is a Review? The Review Process Limitations of this Guide Preparing to Conduct a Review General Review Instructions OGE Form 450 Sample Review Exercise Sample Solution Notes for Review Exercise SECTION IV: Elements of an Effective Agency Review Process SECTION V: Reference Materials Glossary Selected DAEOgrams Blank OGE Form 450 (with instructions)