April 18, 1996 DO-96-022 MEMORANDUM TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials, General Counsels and Inspectors General FROM: Stephen D. Potts Director SUBJECT: Appointment of new Deputy Director As many of you know, Don Campbell will be retiring effective May 31, 1996. Don's many years of dedicated service to the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) and the Federal Government will remain his legacy and he will be missed. It is my distinct pleasure to announce that upon Don's retirement F. Gary Davis will assume the position of Deputy Director. Gary is known to most of you as our General Counsel, a role he will continue to hold. Gary started his career with OGE as a Staff Attorney in April 1979. He became General Counsel in April 1987. He has been directly responsible for many of the accomplishments of this Agency. He worked tirelessly to get OGE operational and to develop the framework for its programs. Through the years he has supervised the implementation of our standards of conduct and financial disclosure systems and has spearheaded efforts to develop and strengthen the associations within the ethics community. Gary has long been recognized for his distinguished service and proven leadership. I am confident that this appointment sustains the continuity of our mission and maintains the highest levels of leadership to OGE and the ethics community.