Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

OGE Logo and Address:  U.S. Office of Government Ethics, 1201 New York Ave., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC  20005-3917

March 7, 1996 DT-96-014


TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials and Ethics Trainers

FROM: Barbara A. Mullen-Roth Associate Director for Education

SUBJECT: Ethics Satellite Training

The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) in coordination with the Government Alliance for Training and Education (GATE) will conduct interactive ethics training via satellite. The instruction will be broadcast on April 30, 1996, at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. EST. The course content during both sessions is identical. GATE and OGE are offering the event twice to facilitate the coordination of receive sites and work schedules. There will be no charge to participating Federal Government agencies. The one-hour live event is designed to meet the annual ethics training requirement for Government employees. The training will focus on ethics issues related to seeking employment and post- employment. These two topics were the most requested topics identified in a recent OGE survey of executive branch agencies.

The broadcast is originating live from Washington, DC. Registered sites will have the opportunity to ask questions via phone or fax during the event to discuss ethical matters with the instructors.

Since satellite training may be new to your agency, we suggest the following steps to ensure success:

1. Designate a POC for your agency. This person will:

a. Disseminate broadcast information within the agency.

b. Coordinate support requirements:

1) Identify receive sites. The event can be received at any facility that has a steerable Ku band satellite dish. It can also be received at sites that are part of the DCTN-CDV or FTS2000 network that uses Telstar 401 and CLI receivers. Possible facilities include high schools, community colleges, universities, post offices, and other Government agencies.


Designated Agency Ethics Officials and Ethics Trainers Page 2

2) Designate site facilitators for each receive site. (See 2. below for this person's responsibilities.)

3) FAX the attached form to OGE no later than April 1, 1996, with projected agency information.

4) Provide OGE a memorandum after the event listing actual agency information, any unexpected costs, and other pertinent details.

2. Designated facilitator for each receive site will:

a. Coordinate the receive site. The site must be operational 30 minutes before start time. The broadcast will be prefaced by a 15-30 minute video sequence comprised of color bars, videos and countdown clock indicating the time remaining before the presentation begins. The broadcast may be followed by a 15-minute question and answer segment as necessary to respond to calls.

b. Manage the site and liaison via telephone with the broadcast site at Washington, DC. FAX or phone questions as appropriate.

c. Provide name, location, and phone number of the Designated Agency Ethics Official for those in attendance.

d. Submit a list of attendees to agency POC after the event.

To ensure your agency will be able to receive the broadcast, written coordination, as outlined above, is required by April 1, 1996. For questions about course content contact Jo Lee Hazelwood, OGE, at 202-523-5757, ext. 1233. Questions regarding technical requirements should be directed to your agency's information management or audio visual department. If additional technical information is needed, contact Mr. Kronholm at 602-820-5238.



Satellite Ethics Training

Report Form

POC: _____________________________________________

Phone: __________________ FAX: __________________

Agency: __________________________________________

Estimated cost of classroom training: ____________ (Amount you would have spent to train employees counted below)

Costs associated with this training: ________

Please identify: ______________________________

Number of Viewers:

11:00 a.m. EST ______________

2:00 p.m. EST ______________

Location: ________________________________________


Return to: U.S. Office of Government Ethics ATTN: Jo Lee Hazelwood 1201 New York Avenue, NW., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005-3917

FAX: 202-523-1251