Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

OGE Logo and Address:  U.S. Office of Government Ethics, 1201 New York Ave., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC  20005-3917

April 25, 1996 DO-96-023


TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials

FROM: Stephen D. Potts Director

SUBJECT: Update of Listing of Executive Branch Agency Officials Subject to Annual Public Financial Disclosure Report Filing with the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) for CY 1995

Title I of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended, requires annual public financial disclosure reports to be filed with the appropriate department or agency no later than May 15.

Attached is a list of the names and positions of Presidential appointees confirmed by the Senate (PAS), and Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEO) who were required to submit either an annual or new entrant SF 278 for CY 1994 to this Office for final review and certification. The list also includes PAS officials who worked less than 60 days in CY 1994 and were not required to complete an annual report covering that year.

Please annotate this list to reflect any changes to (additions or deletions) the officials named or positions identified. For example, please note whether an official has terminated or transferred from the position and the termination or transfer date. For transfers, please indicate whether the official transferred within 30 days to another covered position (PAS or non-PAS) requiring SF 278 reporting. If not, a termination report is required within 30 days of the transfer. In addition, please indicate which officials did not work more than 60 days in CY 1995 and are not required to file an annual report. Conversely, please add to the list the names of any PAS special Government employees who actually worked in excess of 60 days in CY 1995 at an annual rate of basic pay equivalent to 120 percent of GS-15, step 1, which equaled $81,529.20 or ($312.52 per day) in CY 1995.

Please return the list, as annotated, to this Office by May 15, 1996.

The annual SF 278s for the PAS officials and DAEOs identified on this list should be submitted to OGE as soon as approved by the department or agency, but not later than September 16, 1996. This date allows for agency review and approval of the reports and takes into account any possible filing extensions. In instances where the report cannot be approved by the agency and submitted to this Office by September 16, due to pending resolution of a conflict of interest, or the need for additional information or clarification, we ask that you notify us, in writing, by September 16, of the names and positions of the officials involved, the nature of the problems, and the date you expect to transmit the report to this Office.

This Office will be following up on the late filing of reports submitted by PAS officials and DAEOs. To assist us in this effort, we ask that you note any agency-granted filing extensions on the officials' SF 278 cover sheet. Finally, we request your assistance in providing us with changes to this list as they occur throughout the year. Although agencies are not required to provide such periodic information, we have found that the receipt of this information on an ongoing basis enables us to compile more accurate annual filing lists.

Special Note: OGE DAEOgram, DO-96-006, dated January 29, 1996, provided information regarding new reporting categories for SF 278s. Section 20 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-65) amended the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require new categories of amount or value on public financial disclosure reports for assets, income and liabilities exceeding $1 million (except for interests of a spouse or dependent child, unless jointly held with the filer). Please ensure that all reports, filed on or after January 1, 1996, are appropriately annotated on the SF 278 or on an attachment, if filers have disclosable interests that fall within these high-value categories.

If you have any questions, please contact Tom Zorn, Chief, Program Assistance Division, Mike Shifrin, Desk Officer, or Grace Clark, Government Ethics Specialist at (202) 523-5757.