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Feature Portlets

Suggest a Resource

If you have a resource (tool, data set or document) that would be beneficial to this subject area (or FRAMES in general), please visit the FRAMES Contact Us page and provide some additional information about the resource, including, if possible:

  1. Name of the resource.
  2. Location of the resource (URL).
  3. Description of the resource.
  4. How to contact you, should we need more clarifying information.

FRAMES Resource Types

There are currently five types of resources available on FRAMES, with an additional one under development. The available resources include:

  1. Data Sets - Data are information resulting from measurement, analysis or modeling structured for subsequent analysis.
  2. Documents - Documents are narrative sources of information, such as articles, books and correspondence.
  3. Tools - Tools are devices that modify or transform input in a significant way to produce output.
  4. Webpages - An individual webpage, or a collection of webpages for other resources provided over the Internet..
  5. Projects - Top level description of a FRAMES project. Projects are temporary endeavors to achieve specific goals. Projects produce products, which may include tools, data or documents.


For complete "About" and "Contact Us" information for FRAMES, please visit the main FRAMES website: