November 23,1998 DO-98-032 MEMORANDUM TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials, General Counsels and Inspectors General FROM: Stephen D. Potts Director SUBJECT: Program Plan of Agency Reviews for Calendar Year 1999 Attached for your information is the program plan of agency ethics reviews scheduled by the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) for calendar year 1999. This is to inform you of our schedule for the year and the opportunity for you to meet with OGE staff to discuss our program review objectives and procedures. It also allows you time to make revisions to your program prior to our review. The program plan may be of some assistance as you address budget issues within your agency. We will attempt as much as possible to follow the schedule set forth in the attachment. However, as past experience has shown, the schedule may change due to complex issues that occur during reviews, staffing problems, or higher priority work within OGE. If reviews from the first quarter are canceled, we will pull up agencies from later quarters and review them earlier than anticipated. Certain reviews that were not completed last year are included for review early in 1999. To assist those of you who wish to become more familiar with our program review procedures, our analysts will hold two brown-bag luncheons to discuss procedures and answer any of your questions. If you are interested in attending one of these luncheons on either January 12 or February 2, 1999, please call Ilene Cranisky on 202- 208-8000, extension 1218. Attendance is open to all agencies, whether or not the agency is scheduled for review in 1999. Designated Agency Ethics Officials, General Counsels and Inspectors General Page 2 One issue that we make recommendations on very frequently involves the collection of new entrant financial disclosure reports. Please be sure that adequate systems have been established to collect public and confidential financial disclosure reports from new entrants within 30 days of their entering on duty. Our usual practice once a review has been completed is to send a report to the Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) with recommendations for improving the program. We ask that the DAEO respond to our recommendations within 60 days as to the actions he/she has taken or plans to take. We do not send our reports to the Congress, but occasionally a Congressional committee will ask for a copy of a report for an agency under its jurisdiction. These requests are granted and the agency DAEO is informed that we have received such a request. Past experience has shown that these requests normally are made a year or more after the review has been finished. We do not send copies of our reports to the news media, nor issue press releases concerning the reports. Periodically we do release reports to the news media in response to Freedom of Information Act requests. The agency DAEO will be contacted by phone approximately one month prior to our entrance into the agency. Should there be a serious reason as to why you cannot receive us at that time, please call Ed Pratt, Chief, Program Review Division, at 202-208-8000, ext. 1115, to discuss rescheduling. This year we are continuing our customer program review evaluation form for you to complete when you receive the report. We ask that you take a few moments to provide us with feedback on the usefulness of our reviews and reports, and identify areas for improvement. Thank you for all the comments you gave us this past year; they have been useful in modifying our review techniques. We hope that this answers some of your questions concerning our program review process. Should you have any other questions, please call Jack Covaleski, Associate Director for Agency Programs, at 202-208-8000, ext. 1120. Attachment