Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

OGE Logo and Address:  U.S. Office of Government Ethics, 1201 New York Ave., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC  20005-3917

April 26, 1994 DO-94-021


TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials

FROM: Stephen D. Potts Director

SUBJECT: 1994 Annual Government Ethics Conference, September 11-13, 1994

The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is pleased to announce this year's Annual Government Ethics Conference at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD, September 11-13, 1994.

The conference theme will be "Ethics: A Leadership Challenge." As in the past, the conference will consist of presentations, panels, and working sessions. This year's program will include a 4-hour training session for new ethics officials. Administrative enforcement actions, fund-raising, effective training tools, and collective bargaining issues are just a sample of the panel topics to be featured at the conference.

NOMINATING CONFERENCE REGISTRANTS: To ensure executive branch-wide representation at the conference, each Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) is invited to nominate conference registrants by completing the attached OGE registration form. The number of registrants you may nominate depends on your agency size:

Agency size Number of Registrants 1,000 or less employees 1 1,001 - 25,000 employees 5 25,000 or more employees 10

Should you desire, you may specify two additional nominees in priority order by name to attend the conference. Space permitting, these nominees may be contacted to attend the conference.

Conference registration packets are attached; they include: hotel brochure, preliminary conference program, and OGE conference registration form. Please mail your registration form identifying your agency's nominee(s) along with your method of payment (SF-182, _______________________________________________________________________

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DD Form 1556, purchase order, personal check) as soon as possible to reach OGE NOT LATER THAN FRIDAY, July 1, 1994 to:

Sheila A. Powers Conference and Training Coordinator U.S. Office of Government Ethics 1201 New York Avenue, NW. - Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005-3917 Phone: 202-523-5757, ext. 1104

Please be advised that OGE will adhere to the July 1, 1994 deadline and will handle registration on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please notify your registrant(s) that they have been selected to attend the conference and furnish them with the attached registration packet of information, so that they may begin obtaining necessary approvals, and submitting training and travel forms to their appropriate offices.

CONFERENCE FEE: This year's conference registration fee is $235 per attendee. This fee includes conference fee, materials, and meals.

NOTE: This year's conference fee does NOT include lodging at the Baltimore Marriott.

LODGING: Please make your hotel reservations directly with the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor by calling 410-962-0202 and providing your Government credit card (per diem rate is $78/night). Also, please be sure to identify yourself as being affiliated with the Ethics Conference.

NOTE: The hotel will NOT honor the tax exemption rate unless a Government credit card or Government purchase order is used for payment.

The Marriott will mail confirmations of hotel reservations directly to registrants. Hotel registration for the conference will be accepted on a first-come basis only. If necessary, overflow lodging will be provided by the Holiday Inn Inner Harbor (across Eutaw Street from the Marriott).

Lodging registrations must be made by Friday, August 5, 1994. After that date, rooms will be released and there will be no lodging guarantee.

CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS: OGE does not have the ability to return conference fees once they have been submitted; therefore, OGE will NOT accept cancellations and under no circumstances provide refunds. If for _______________________________________________________________________

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any reason your conference attendee cannot attend, you may send a substitute by notifying Sheila Powers, as soon as possible.

TRANSPORTATION: The Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor is located at 110 South Eutaw Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 (directly across from Camden Yards) and is easily accessible by:

* Baltimore Washington Parkway * I-95 * Marc train to Camden Yards * BWI Airport ($13 round-trip shuttle service to hotel)

PARKING: Parking is available at the hotel's enclosed parking lot for a fee of $8 per day with in/out privileges. The parking lot is owned by the city of Baltimore and, therefore, the fee is not negotiable with the hotel.

EARLY REGISTRATION/WELCOME RECEPTION: Early registration for the conference will begin at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 11, followed by a Welcome Reception at 6:00 p.m. for all conference participants.

DRESS: Dress for the entire conference is CASUAL (sports clothes, no tie required). __________________________________________________________________ | | | SUMMARY OF 1994 CONFERENCE DEADLINES: | | | | July 1 Conference registration forms and payment | | due to OGE | | | | | | August 5 Cutoff date for lodging registration with | | Baltimore Marriott | | | | | | September 11-13 Annual Government Ethics Conference at | | the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor | |________________________________________________________________|

Thank you for your assistance, and we look forward to seeing you and/or your nominee(s) at the conference in September!

Attachments Hotel Brochure (Not included in TEBBS) Preliminary Conference Program OGE Registration Form

_______________________________________________________________________ Attachment


SUNDAY, September 11, 1994 __________________________


MONDAY, September 12, 1994 __________________________


TUESDAY, September 13, 1994 ___________________________

8:00 - 9:15 IDEAS AND ISSUES BREAKFAST / or SPEAKER 9:30 - 10:30 PLENARY SESSION 10:45 - 12:15 PANELS 12:30 - 1:45 LUNCH (Media Speaker) 2:00 - 3:15 SOCRATIC DISCUSSION 3:30 - 4:00 WRAP-UP, CLOSING REMARKS & EVALUATIONS _______________________________________________________________________ Attachment

OGE Conference Registration Form 1994 Annual Ethics Conference Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor September 11-13, 1994

________________________________________________________________ | ELIGIBILITY FOR REGISTRATION: Only those individual(s) | | nominated by the Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) are | | eligible to attend the 1994 Ethics Conference. | |________________________________________________________________|

Name of Registrant: ____________________________________________ (PLEASE TYPE/PRINT)

Name for Nametag: ____________________________________________

Title: _____________________________________________

Department/Agency: _____________________________________________

Office Address: ______________________________________________


Office Phone No.: _____-____-____ Office FAX No.:____-___-_____

COMMENTS: Please list any special requirements for: hearing, sight, physical, dietary: ___________________________________________________________________



PAYMENT: Please mark method of payment and attach to this form: ____ SF-182 ____ DD-1556 ____ Personal Check ____ Purchase Order

OGE CONTACT: Sheila A. Powers, Conference Coordinator 202-523-5757, ext. 1104

________________________________________________________________ | AGENCY APPROVAL: | | | | DAEO's Signature: __________________________________________ | | | | DAEO's Agency: _____________________________________________ | | | | DAEO's Phone Number: _______________________________________ | | | |________________________________________________________________|