OGE Letterhead
May 21, 2001

TO:                Designated Agency Ethics Officials

FROM:          Amy L. Comstock         

SUBJECT:    Annual Government Ethics Conference
        September 11-13, 2001


  The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is pleased to announce this year's Annual Government Ethics Conference, September 11-13, 2001 at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott Hotel, in Norfolk, Virginia.

     The conference program is shaping up nicely thanks to all of you who have submitted ideas and volunteered to coordinate or participate in concurrent sessions. Based on your suggestions, we have a variety of speakers in mind for the plenary sessions.

     This year's concurrent session portion of the conference will be organized into the following six different tracks: Statutes and Standards; Technology and Training; Financial Disclosure; Ethics Program Administration; Matters Outside of OGE and Introductory Level Sessions. Within these tracks you will find sessions covering the nuts and bolts of the ethics program, agency innovations in training and program administration and topics that agency ethics officials are generally responsible for but that OGE has no jurisdiction over.

     The attached conference Information Sheet provides all the logistical information you will need to register and make your own lodging reservations. Conference registration deadline is July 13, 2001 and lodging reservations must be made by August 10, 2001.

     A preliminary conference outline is also attached. A final program schedule will be sent under separate cover. Please note, the official conference program begins with breakfast on Tuesday morning, September 11. We encourage you to arrive on Monday night, September 10, however, no conference activities will be scheduled.


Conference Information Sheet                                    Conference Registration Forms
Preliminary Conference Outline                                   Marriott Hotel Information