March 8, 2001


TO:        Designated Agency Ethics Officials

FROM:      Jack Covaleski
           Deputy Director, Office of Agency Programs

SUBJECT:   Yearly Update of List of Executive Branch Agency
           Officials Required to File Annual Public Financial
           Disclosure Reports with the Office of Government Ethics

     Title I of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, as amended, requires annual public financial disclosure reports (SF 278) to be filed with the appropriate department or agency no later than May 15. The SF 278s of Presidential appointees confirmed by the Senate (PAS) and Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEO) must be submitted to this Office for final review and certification. Attached is a list of the names and positions of those officials who were required to submit a nominee, new entrant, or annual SF 278 either last year or late in 1999.

     Please annotate this list to reflect any changes (additions or deletions) to the officials named or positions identified. Please return the list, as annotated, to this Office by April 9, 2001. For your convenience, you may phone in, fax, or E-mail "No Change" lists. The fax number for the Financial Disclosure Division is 202-208-8038. Because of the change of Presidential administrations, we expect that many of the listed officials either have left or will be leaving before May 15th and will be filing termination instead of annual reports. Please indicate the termination date in these cases.

     In the case of officials who have transferred from the position, please indicate whether the official transferred within 30 days to another covered position (PAS or non-PAS) requiring SF 278 reporting. If not, a termination report is required within 30 days of the transfer. In addition, please indicate which officials did not work more than 60 days in CY 2000 and are not required to file an annual report. Conversely, please add to the list the names of any PAS special Government employees who actually worked in excess of 60 days in CY 2000 at an annual rate of basic pay equivalent to 120 percent of GS-15, step 1, which equaled $93,136.80 (or $357.04 per day) in CY 2000. Do not include the names of officials serving temporarily in PAS positions in an acting capacity, since those officials are not Senate confirmed and their reports are not required to be submitted to this Office.

     If you have any questions, please contact Tom Zorn, Chief, Financial Disclosure Division, or Lorna Syme at 202-208-8000, extension 1123, or extension 1141, respectively. Their E-mail addresses are and
