OGE Seal and Address

                                  January 3, 2001


TO:        Designated Agency Ethics Officials

FROM:      Amy L. Comstock

SUBJECT:   Revocation of Executive Order 12834

     On December 28, 2000, President Clinton revoked Executive Order 12834, "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Employees," effective at noon on January 20, 2001. Executive Order 12834 has imposed special post-employment restrictions on senior appointees of the Clinton Administration by requiring senior officials and trade negotiators to sign a pledge as a condition of holding a covered position. The pledge has imposed a five-year bar on certain lobbying activities as well as a lifetime bar on activities that require registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

     The restrictions imposed under Executive Order 12834 will continue to apply to covered officials of the Clinton Administration until noon on January 20, 2001. After that time no aspect of Executive Order 12834 will apply to any former or current employees. However, the existing statutory restrictions imposed by 18 U.S.C. § 207, including the one-year no contact bar under 18 U.S.C. §§ 207(c) and (d), will continue to apply.

     Executive Order 13184 of December 28, 2000, "Revocation of Executive Order 12834," was published today at 66 Fed. Reg. 697. A copy is attached.

Attachment (PDF)(TXT)