OGE Letterhead




                                                                        October 15, 2007






TO:                  Designated Agency Ethics Officials


FROM:            Arthur Andrew Lopez

                        Special Assistant, Office of Agency Programs


SUBJECT:       Resolving Real and Perceived Conflicts Courses Offered in Washington, DC



            In November 2007, the U.S. Office of Government Ethics will conduct training in Washington, DC on Resolving Real and Perceived Conflicts.  Please disseminate the attached training announcement to your ethics officials as soon as possible. 




OGE Seal

U. S. Office of Government Ethics

FY 08 Ethics Training




Text Box: Resolving Real and Perceived Conflicts





Course Description


Preventing conflicts is the cornerstone of a successful ethics program.  It is up to you to determine if employees are involved in conflicts.  This course gives you the skills you need to help employees correctly identify and resolve financial conflicts of interests and appearances of a conflict.  These skills are used when employees come to you with specific situations and when employees report real or potential conflicts and appearances on their financial disclosure reports.


Intended Audience


o       New financial disclosure reviewers who plan to take OGE's Certifying 450 Reports and/or Certifying 278 Reports this fiscal year

o       Ethics officials who need a basic refresher on § 208 conflicts and appearances


You Will Learn How To


o       Determine whether a § 208 conflict exists

o       Assess any impartiality issues

o       Suggest one or more remedies


Course Dates


Tuesday, November   6, 2007              9:00 a.m. - 4:30 pm       

Tuesday, November 13, 2007              9:00 a.m. - 4:30 pm       


Course Location


U.S. Office of Government Ethics

1201 New York Avenue, NW

Suite 500

Washington, DC  20005




Registration Information


To register for one of the above courses, please visit the Training Workshops and Seminars section of OGE's website at www.usoge.gov and complete the online Registration Form.


The registration deadline is five (5) days before the class date or until each class is full, whichever occurs first.  E-mail confirmations are sent to registrants prior to the course date.


For information regarding the registration process, please contact:


Gwen Cannon-Jenkins

Education Assistant

E-mail: gcannon@oge.gov

Phone: 202-482-9219



General OGE Course Information


For information about the OGE training courses, please contact:


Kaneisha Cunningham

Education Training Specialist

E-mail: ktcunnin@oge.gov

Phone: 202-482-9228