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                                                                        June 26, 2007






TO:                  Designated Agency Ethics Officials


FROM:            Carolyn W. Chapman

                        Associate Director, Education Division


SUBJECT:       Employee Ethics Training



The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is pleased to announce its development of a series of instructor-led training courses for executive branch employees.  The interactive programs are designed to increase employees’ knowledge of ethical and unethical behavior, and give them an opportunity to practice making ethical decisions.  The course materials consist of an instructor guide and a participant guide.  The programs also include an evaluation instrument that can be used to assess the extent to which agency employees learned, and can apply the concepts taught during training.


You may obtain a copy of the first course, Initial Ethics Orientation: What Does Ethics Mean to You?, by contacting Gwendolyn Cannon-Jenkins at gcannon@oge.gov or (202) 482-9219.