U.S. Office of Government Ethics 1201 New York Ave., NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005-3917 June 19, 2006 DO-06-018 MEMORANDUM TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials, General Counsels and Inspectors General FROM: Robert I. Cusick Director SUBJECT: Introductory Message I am honored to have been nominated by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate as Director of the Office of Government Ethics. Much of my thirty-eight year career as a lawyer has been focused on issues of legal ethics and public officer ethics. This Federal position in government ethics law, policy, regulation and education is a professional career capstone for me. Corporate and public scandals of the last decade have enlivened public interest in the subject of ethics and the message is clear: Public office is a public trust. I am encouraged by the refreshing attitudes of young people coming in to Government and by the frank recognition of their seniors that concern for ethics is an essential element in leadership. As Director of OGE, I will strive to raise public discourse concerning ethics in official Washington and beyond. Government ethics is not a tangential concern to citizens or their Government. It is fundamental. The values of our democracy are put at risk if official decisions are corrupted by private interest rather than being informed by the public interest. We all are learning new ways to educate, regulate and make ethical conduct systemic. The readers of this publication know that and many are involved in the effort. I invite fresh ideas and suggestions.