"Table 9: Network Carrier Full-time Equivalent Employees*, November 2003-2007**",,,,,,,, (Ranked by November 2007 FTEs),,,,,,,, Numbers in thousands (000’s),,,,,,,, Rank,,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,Percent Change , ,,,,,,,2003-2007,2006-2007 1,American,79.7,78.8,75,73.1,73.3,-8.0,0.2 2,United,58.7,58.2,53.8,52.4,52.4,-10.7,0.0 3,Delta,58.6,56.9,49.8,44.2,48.7,-16.9,10.2 4,Continental,34.2,34.4,32.8,34.6,36.1,5.4,4.3 5,Northwest,37.9,37.8,31.9,29.9,29.6,-22.0,-1.2 6,Alaska,10,9.4,9,9.4,9.9,-1.0,4.7 7,US Airways,26.7,24.8,20.2,19.4,N/A,N/A,N/A ,Total,305.7,300.2,272.4,263,249.9,-18.3,-5.0 Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics,,,,,,,, Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding,,,,,,,, * Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculations count two part-time employees as one full-time employee.,,,,,,,, "** US Airways’ employment numbers were included with the network airlines prior to October 2007. Beginning with October 2007, US Airways’ numbers are combined with America West Airlines’ numbers in the low-cost category.",,,,,,,, Note: Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding.,,,,,,,,