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NBC Runs DOI Accessible Technology Program
The Department of the Interior's (DOI) Accessible Technology Center (ATC) is located at the Main Interior Building - 1849 C Street, NW, Room 1013 - Washington, DC.
The Department of the Interior's (DOI) Accessible Technology Center (ATC) is located at the Main Interior Building - 1849 C Street, NW, Room 1013 - Washington, DC.
The Department of the Interior's (DOI) Accessible Technology Program was established in June 2000. The mission of the Program is to support employees with disabilities by determining the appropriate assistive technology and ergonomic solutions tailored to the needs of each individual. The Program serves as the Department's accessibility and Section 508 resource to provide awareness, information, and training to bureaus to facilitate their compliance with accessibility standards.
Employee Accommodations

ATC's director, Christine Louton, established and serves as the Point of Contact (POC) for the Department of the Interior in an agreement between the Department of Defense's Computer/Electronic Accommodation Program (CAP) and DOI. This ongoing agreement with the Department of Defense pays for and provides assistive technology equipment for Interior employee with disabilities. In FY 02 CAP filled over 137 requests valued at over $95,000. In FY03 over 500 requests were filled delivering over $216,000 worth of assistive technology (software & hardware) to all DOI bureaus nationwide.

To make a CAP request phone or e-mail: 202-208-541 (V) / 202-208-6248 (TTY) / 'jennifer_l_meltz@nbc.gov'.

Vision Disabilities

To address the needs of low vision users, a closed circuit television (CCTV) will be featured, coupled with a computer that has screen magnification/screen reading software. This will enable any user to enlarge printed materials, handwritten notes, diagrams and wired circuitry anywhere from 4-60 times, or have the materials read with a voice synthesizer.

Also at this workstation is an alternative keyboard with large print keyboard caps and a built-in trackball. Between the CCTV and the computer monitor is a telephone (not in use) with large, easy to read buttons. This workstation will also house an 80 character refreshable Braille terminal, scanner/reader software, and a Braille embosser.

Mobility and dexterity Disabilities

This workstation highlights assistive technology to address the needs of persons with mobility impairments. Voice recognition software, with continuous speech and command and control will be installed along with an infrared cursor control mechanism with switch. An infrared wireless keyboard for persons with mobility impairments will also be installed on the workstation.

Accessibility Training

The ATC conducts training on accessibility awareness and technical training on making web sites accessible to people with disabilities. Over 500 people from all bureaus have attended these classes in many sites departmentwide. Future training plans include accessibility training for operating systems and applications software.

For more information

Christine Louton


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U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Date Published: 12/19/03
Historical Document
Department of the Interior www.nbc.gov NBC