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FRAMES is built on portal technology. A portal is an software platform that can provide customizable website content depending on a user's preferences. In the case of FRAMES, the content is focused around 26 different wildland fire-related Subject Areas.

Other terms referenced in the portal:

Portlets - miniature web services within the overall portal. Some portlets are static, meaning they only display text. Others are dynamic, meaning they change depending on the subject area. Most portlets have a header bar at the top, and are outlined with a faint box.

Example of a Portlet

Communities - a set of webpages within the portal focused around a common theme or subject. In the case of FRAMES, the Subject Areas are considered a "community." Each community might have multiple pages within it.

Avaition Subject Area (example of a community)

Knowledge Directory - the respository for all of FRAMES resources, such as documents, tools, and data sets. The Knowledge Directory is a set of folders and sub-folders organized by subject area. When you select the "Browse" portlets, you are directed to the knowledge directory for that subject area and folder.

Knowledge Directory

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