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USITC Tariff Database

Note: The USITC is responsible for publishing the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS); the U.S. Customs Service is responsible for administering the tariff and processing import entries.

CAUTION: This database is being provided as an advisory tool only. For complete legal product descriptions and enacted/proclaimed tariff rates to be used on Customs Service documents, you must consult the current HTS and any supplements thereto, as well as any applicable Customs regulations and decisions. Brief item descriptions have been provided for user convenience only and should NOT be relied upon for classification purposes.

Not sure you have the correct HTS item for your product?   Contact the Customs and Border Protection Bureau with questions about how potential importations should be classified.

    Yes, go to USITC Year 2009 Tariff Database
    No, go back to USITC mainpage.

United States International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436
Telephone: 202-205-2000