Illustrative 21st Century Questions

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Illustrative 21st Century Questions

  • How should the historical allocation of resources across services and programs be changed to reflect the results of a forward–looking comprehensive threat/risk assessment as part of DOD's capabilities–based approach to determining defense needs?

  • How can the United States better develop a world–class technical and scientific domestic workforce that is not as dependent on large inflows of international students and researchers? For example, are different educational tools or targeted funding strategies needed to enhance U.S. student achievement in math and science?

  • To what extent are federal energy policies and incentive structures adequately preparing the nation to satisfy its energy needs over the long term?

  • How can industry standards for acceptable care be established and payment reforms be designed to bring about reductions in unwarranted medical practice variation?

  • Which tax incentives need to be reconsidered because they fail to achieve the objectives intended by the Congress, their costs outweigh their benefits, they duplicate other programs, or other more cost–effective means exist for achieving their objectives?