Policy > External Affairs: Intellectual Property Policy and Enforcement > Traditional Knowledge and Medicine > Dictionaries/Databases
Scirus Comprehensive scientific research tool. More than 450 million items.
Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages 10,500 plant names in more than 60 different languages, origins, constituents, etymology, images, uses
GRIN USDA. Scientific and common names, synonyms
ITIS Interagency Taxonomic Information system. Diverse US Government agencies partnership. Standardized nomenclature, taxonomic data, hierarchical classification. Hyperlinks to diverse off-site resources
University of Washington Hyperlinks to Medline, USDA Plants Database, and Plants for a Future Database
USDA Plants Database Searchable via multiple access points
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine Known chemical constituents for over 250 medicinal plants
Materia Medica Vegetabilis Vol.I Uses in English, Dutch, German, French
Materia Medica Vegetabilis Vol.II Uses in English, Dutch, German, French
Materia Medica Vegetabilis Vol.III Index, Latin and English names
Traditional Medicines Database (South Africa) Common names, scientific names, uses, pharmacology, chemical constituents
Cacti Guide Common and Latin names, photographs
University of Melbourne Multilingual (21 languages) plant name database with links to sites in various languages
Ayurveda Marketplace Pharmacopeia, glossary, encyclopedia, Indian herbs, therapies
Herbasin Herb Database Latin, English, PinYin and Chinese names, descriptions, uses
Eastern Chinese Medicine Export Company Latin, English and PinYin names, searchable by medical use or symptoms
Herb Names Cross Reference Botanical, common and Chinese PinYin names
iChinese Herbs Latin, common and PinYin names
Green Kingdom Herbs Latin and standardized common names
UnaniHerbalist Multilingual dictionary includes Latin, English, Sanskrit, Indian, Arabian, and Persian names
Western United States Flora Checklists Latin names and common names
Herbal Medicine Materia Medica Herbal Medicine Materia Medica. Descriptions, constituents, cited references
Find Wild Flowers Identification of British flora
Report on the Indigenous Medical Botany of Massachusetts Medicinal uses (published mid 1800’s)
Navajo Indian Medical Ethnobotany Genera, uses, bibliography. Botanical indices on pages 20-32 (published 1941)
Glossary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Terms University of Maryland School of Medicine
An Herbal / Medical Dictionary Glossary of terms used in herbalism, medicine and physiology
KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)
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