Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 13: Percent of Long Distance Trips by Mode for Household Income Groups

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  Less than $25K Standard error $25K-$49K Standard error $50-$74K Standard error $75K+ Standard error
Personal vehicle 92.2 0.81 93.3 0.40 91.7 0.55 83.9 0.63
Air 3.0 0.34 3.8 0.29 5.3 0.39 13.7 0.61
Bus 3.8 0.57 2.1 0.19 2.0 0.29 1.5 0.19
Train 0.7 0.22 0.6 0.18 0.8 0.22 0.8 0.15
Other 0.3 0.28 0.1 0.05 0.3 0.14 0.2 0.05
Total 100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0  

NOTES: Only trips for which transportation mode and household income can be determined are tabulated.

Column totals may not add to 100 percent due to rounding.

Underlined estimates are based on a small sample size (<30) or a coefficient of variation greater than 30% and are not reliable.

Percentages for shaded cells on the same row are not statistically different, except for the following comparisons: Bus, $25K-$49K and $75K+; Other, $25K-$49K and $75K+, $50K-$74K and $75K+. It should be noted that for "other" modes, all categories except $50K-$74K are based on a sample size that is too small to provide a reliable estimate.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Federal Highway Administration, National Household Travel Survey, long-distance file, 2001 (Washington, DC)

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