Table 17: Percent of Trips by Egress Mode From Intercity Transportation Terminals for Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Category,,,,,,,,,,, ,MSA (1 million+),Standard error,MSA (<1 million),Standard error,Non-MSA,Standard error,,,,, Egress mode,,,,,,,,,,, Personal vehicle,51.1,1.83,46.9,2.99,45.5,3.90,,,,, Public transportation,26.2,1.43,28.6,2.72,30.7,4.05,,,,, Bike/walk,11.1,11.08,12.3,1.61,14.6,2.30,,,,, Multiple access modes,10.5,1.20,10.5,1.70,8.3,1.57,,,,, Other,1.1,0.29,1.8,0.44,1.0,0.51,,,,, Total,100.0,,100.0,,100.0,,,,,, NOTES: Totals may not add to 100 percent due to rounding.,,,,,,,,,,, Underlined estimates are based on a small sample size (<30) or a coefficient of variation greater than 30% and are not reliable. ,,,,,,,,,,, Egress by rental car is included in Personal Vehicle. Egress by taxicab is included in Other.,,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Federal Highway Administration, National Household Travel Survey, long-distance file, 2001 (Washington, DC)",,,,,,,,,,,