Table 15: Percent of Trips by Access Mode Used to Reach Intercity Transportation Terminals for Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Category,,,,,,,,, ,MSA (>1million),Standard error,MSA (<1million),Standard error,Non-MSA,Standard error,,, Access mode,,,,,,,,, Personal vehicle,67.9,1.61,81.0,3.00,78.4,3.46,,, Publictransportation,17.6,1.21,7.9,1.75,9.2,2.49,,, Bike/walk,2.9,0.74,3.5,2.68,4.3,1.34,,, Multiple access modes,11.5,1.05,6.8,1.27,7.8,1.79,,, Other,0.1,0.08,0.8,0.20,0.3,0.21,,, Total,100.0,,100.0,,100.0,,,, NOTES: Underlined estimates are based on a small sample size (<30) or a coefficient of variation greater than 30% and are not reliable. ,,,,,,,,, "Percentages for shaded cells on the same row are not statistically different, except for the following comparisons: Multiple Mode Access, MSA >1 million and MSA<1 million; ""Other"" Mode Access, MSA >1 million and MSA<1 million. ",,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Federal Highway Administration, National Household Travel Survey, long-distance file, 2001 (Washington, DC)",,,,,,,,,