Table 13: Percent of Long Distance Trips by Mode for Household Income Groups,,,,,,,,,,, ,Less than $25K ,Standard error,$25K-$49K ,Standard error,$50-$74K,Standard error,$75K+,Standard error, ,, Mode,,,,,,,,,,, Personal vehicle,92.2,0.81,93.3,0.40,91.7,0.55,83.9,0.63,,, Air,3.0,0.34,3.8,0.29,5.3,0.39,13.7,0.61,,, Bus,3.8,0.57,2.1,0.19,2.0,0.29,1.5,0.19,,, Train,0.7,0.22,0.6,0.18,0.8,0.22,0.8,0.15,,, Other,0.3,0.28,0.1,0.05,0.3,0.14,0.2,0.05,,, Total,100.0,,100.0,,100.0,,100.0,,,, " NOTES: Only trips for which transportation mode and household income can be determined are tabulated.",,,,,,,,,,, " Column totals may not add to 100 percent due to rounding.",,,,,,,,,,, " Underlined estimates are based on a small sample size (<30) or a coefficient of variation greater than 30% and are not reliable. ",,,,,,,,,,, " Percentages for shaded cells on the same row are not statistically different, except for the following comparisons: Bus, $25K-$49K and $75K+; Other, $25K-$49K and $75K+, $50K-$74K and $75K+. It should be noted that for ""other"" modes, all categories except $50K-$74K are based on a sample size that is too small to provide a reliable estimate.",,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Federal Highway Administration, National Household Travel Survey, long-distance file, 2001 (Washington, DC)",,,,,,,,,,,