Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
America on the Go - Long Distance Transportation Patterns: Mode Choice

Long Distance Transportation Patterns: Mode Choice

May 2006

Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Figure 1: Mode Share by Trip Purpose for Public Transportation Modes
Figure 2: Mode Share for Personal Vehicle and Air at Various Trip Lenghts
Table 1: Annual Long-Distance Trips by Mode
Table 2: Percent of Trips by Trip Purpose for Long-Distance Modes
Table 3: Percent of Trips by Trip Purpose for Long-Distance Public Transportation Modes (Non-Personal Vehicle)
Table 4: Percent of Trips by Mode for One Way Travel Distance
Table 5: Percent of Long-Distance Trips by Mode for Domestic and International Travel
Table 6: Percent of Trips by Mode to International Destinations
Table 7: Percent of Long-Distance Trips Using the Same Going and Returning Mode
Table 8: Percent of Public Transportation Long Distance Trips Using Different Modes in Each Direction Where Opposite Direction Trip is via Personal Vehicle
Table 9: Percent of Going ModeTrips by Return Mode for Long-Distance Trips
Table 10: Percent of Long-Distance Trips by Mode for Urban and Rural Households
Table 11: Percent of Private Vehicle and Public Transportation Long Distance Trips by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Size
Table 12: Percent of Long Distance Trips by Mode for Age Groups
Table 13: Percent of Long Distance Trips by Mode for Household
Table 14: Percent of Trips by Access Mode for Long Distance Trips by Public Transportation Mode
Table 15: Percent of Trips by Access Mode Used to Reach Intercity Transportation Terminals for Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Category
Table 16: Percent of Trips by Egress Modes from Destination Terminals for Long Distance Public Transportation Modes
Table 17: Percent of Trips by Egress Mode from Intercity Transportation Terminals for Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Category

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