Becharof National Wildlife Refuge
Alaska Region   

Icon of Blue Goose Compass. Click on the compass to view a map of the refuge (pdf)


For Educators

The Refuge environmental education and interpretation program includes a visitor center, outreach at local schools, an annual science camp for high school students, and other activities. The King Salmon Visitor Center (KSVC) at the King Salmon Airport is a cooperative venture among the Refuge, Katmai/Aniakchak National Park, Monument, and Preserves, the Bristol Bay Borough, and the Lake and Peninsula Borough. The KSVC provides information to enhance the experiences of thousands of visitors each year, as well as providing a valued information resource to the local community. The KSVC also holds special activities for the local community during National Wildlife Refuge Week. An outlet of the Alaska Geographic provides educational materials for purchase.

The Refuge Information Technicians regularly present environmental education programs and materials to classes in the schools of the communities local to the Refuge. Each year the Refuge holds a five-day residential science camp at the Bible Camp area on Becharof Lake. High-school students from local communities, as well as their biology teachers, join Refuge and King Salmon Fish & Wildlife Office staff and other resource experts to study fishery and wildlife biology and techniques, and Native traditional knowledge and culture.