Fisheries & Ecological Services
Alaska Region


Kenai Fish & Wildlife Field Office

Outreach and Education

We promote conservation through education in our communities.  Our goal is to enhance the understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of Alaska’s fish and wildlife resources.  We participate in numerous outreach programs.

The Kenai River Festival
This weekend fair sponsored by the Kenai Watershed Forum celebrates the Kenai River.  We conduct a “Pathway to Fishing” activity, a multi-step interactive program about fish biology, sportfishing equipment, water safety, and angler ethics—culminating in the very popular casting practice.  On average, 100 children visit our booth annually. 

Pathway to fishing activity.  Photo Credit:  USFWS.  click on image to enlarge.
very popular casting practice.  Photo Credit:  USFWS.  Click on image to enlarge.


Homer Youth Fishing Fair
Sponsored annually for the last 16 years by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADFG) and South Peninsula Sportsmen’s Association, this event provides hands-on activities that teach sportfishing skills. Our office leads an activity to teach proper handling techniques for catch-and-release fishing.

Poster set up at the Homer Youth Fishing Fair.  Photo Credit:  USFWS.  Click to enlarge

Fishing Rod Loan Program
Connecting People with Nature
We partnered with the Kenai Community Library and Trustworthy Hardware to create a Fishing Rod Loan Program (FRLP). The Program is for kids aged 15 and under, and provides fishing rods (for trout and salmon) that can be checked out from the library - just like checking out a library book! 
The Fishing Rod Loan Program aspires to foster a connection to nature in the children (and through them, their families) checking out the fishing rods, and to be one more link in the chain to creating future conservationists. 

For more information on the USFWS Connecting People with Nature go to ‘Let’s Go Outside

Other Outreach Activities
Biologists make guest appearances at schools, campgrounds, and visitor centers to lead programs and talk about fish and related topics.  We participate in:

    • ADFG’s Salmon Celebration – we teach catch and release handling techniques and ethics, and knot tying.
    • Kenai Watershed Forum’s Outdoor School – we teach catch and release handling techniques, knot tying, and play a salmon watershed game.
    • In collaboration with ADFG, we provide information and education materials to the public (poster)
    • The KFWFO office is a member of the Kenai Peninsula Ecological and Cultural Educators (KPECE). 

    Last updated: February 4, 2009