External Affairs
Alaska Region   


Outreach & Education

Curricula Online

  • Caribou Mysteries
    "Caribou Mysteries: Science Sleuths and Detective Math" provides middle school science and math lessons and activities about caribou.
  • Endangered and Threatened Species of Alaska Activity Guide
    This guide presents curriculum materials focused on selected Alaska species that are threatened, endangered, or at risk. Learn about wildlife population dynamics, the factors that may place species at risk, and efforts by people to help wildlife species recover.
  • Role of Fire in Alaska
    Interdisciplinary K-12 curriculum about the ecological role of fire in Alaska and fire management activities.
  • Cyber Salmon
    An interdisciplinary web site with student activities, focusing on the salmon species common to Interior Alaska. I demonstrates the importance of salmon to Alaska's economy, ecology, and culture.
  • Learn About Seabirds (pdf)
    About 86 percent of the total U.S. population of seabirds occur in Alaska. The "Learn About Seabirds" curricula is for grades 4-6 and is designed to teach students about Alaska's seabird populations, their worldwide significance, and the impacts seabirds are vulnerable to.
  • Sea Ducks of Alaska
    This hands-on activity guide for grades 4-6 offers activities that explore the unique adaptations of sea ducks and their role in the marine and fresh water food webs.
  • Shorebird Sister Schools
    The Shorebird Sister Schools Program encourages public participation in the conservation of shorebirds and their habitats by connecting people along flyways and increasing their awareness and knowledge of local natural resources to inspire community conservation.
  • Alaska Digital Wildlife Photography Handbook
    This 10-page handbook is written for students 4-12th grade. It contains great tips about digital photography as well as wildlife photography.
  • "It's Not Easy Being Green" - a very cool interdisciplinary curriculum, for upper elementary and middle schools, was created by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. It will help you and your students learn about amphibians, including their unique and amazing biology, behavior, and habitat needs. In addition, you'll find information about their colorful role in myths, folklore, literature, and Alaska Native culture.
  • Alaska's Wild Salmon Teacher's Guide
    Available from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, this curricula celebrates and helps teachers guide middle school students in their study of the healthy stocks of wild Pacific salmon found in Alaska. In spring 2002 the Alaska Department of Fish and Game published and distributed to every school in the state multiple copies of Alaska’s Wild Salmon, a 64-page book celebrating this remarkable resource. This teacher’s guide suggests ways to use that book.


Last updated: June 20, 2008
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