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Public Roads Cover USDOT/FHWA
Vol. 64, No. 1
July/August 2000

National Research Projects on Recycling in Highway Construction
by Marcia J. Simon, Warren H. Chesner, Taylor Eighmy, and Howard Jongedyk
The Federal Highway Administration and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program have sponsored several research projects - some ongoing and others recently completed - pertaining to the use of recycled materials in highway construction.

The Recycled Materials Resource Center
by Bryan J. Magee
This national center was established in 1998 at the University of New Hampshire to promote the appropriate use of recycled materials in the highway environment. RMRC will conduct about 30 research projects over the first six years of operation.

Lessons Learned: TxDOT's Efforts to Increase the Use of Recycled Materials
by Rebecca Davio
The Texas Department of Transportation shares lessons learned from five years of experience with a recycled materials program

How NCDOT Is Building a Recycling Culture
by Ashley T. Memory
The NC Department of Transportation is demonstrating the cultural benefits of recycling to encourage local participation.

National Transportation Week: Sounding Reveille for Transportation
by Conni Morse
Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater and three former secretaries of transportation kicked off a successful National Transportation Week, May 14 through 20, 2000.

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Structures Can Carry the Load
by Maria Koklanaris
FHWA's Geotechnical Research Team demonstrates the prodigious load-bearing capacity of geosynthetic reinforced soil.

Scanning European Advances in the Use of Recycled Materials in Highway Construction
by Katherine Holtz and T. Taylor Eighmy
In September 1999, a team of U.S. Engineers went to several countries in Europe to see how the Europeans achieve such a remarkable recycling rate - frequently reaching 100 percent - in the highway environment.

Managing Change in FHWA
by Peter C. Markle
FHWA's program manager for change management lays out his plan to assist in the continuing transition to a new organizational structure and to evaluate the effectiveness of the restructured organization.

Highways and Bridges on the Brink of the New Century
by Clifford Comeau and David Smallen
The 1999 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance report to Congress shows that the higher federal highway funding levels of the past few years have begun to pay off with better pavement, improved bridges, and safer highways.

The National IVI Meeting
On July 18 and 19, representatives of federal, state, and local governments; industry; and universities will meet in Washington, DC, to discuss intelligent vehicle initiative (IVI) technologies and plans for the future.

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