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For Teachers and Educators

Educator resources: Bullying resources for teachers and educators

Bring Bullying to an End

Protect yourself. Protect others.

Print this one-page fact sheet for your students (PDF - 395KB). Adobe PDF document

Bullying can seriously affect the emotional, physical, and academic well-being of children. In general, bullying can contribute to a negative climate in schools. To improve the education experience for everyone, it is important to implement an effective bullying prevention program. Programs that show the most promise usually involve the entire school community as well as the families.

Below are helpful links to bullying resources.

Publications & web sites

  1. Federal resource About Bullying - Educators, Administrators, and Guidance Counselors – Part of the 15+ Make Time to Listen ... Take Time to Talk Initiative, this site contains information on bullying and how to prevent it. It also has posters and brochures that you can download and use at your school.
  2. Federal resource Bullying is Not a Fact of Life – This publication provides information on bullying and explains what parents and schools can do to prevent it.
  3. Federal resource Adobe PDF document How to Intervene to Stop Bullying: Tips for On-the-Spot Intervention at School (PDF - 346KB) – This publication explains what to do when you witness bullying at school. It gives several tips on how to address the incident and how to follow up with the individuals.
  4. Federal resource Adobe PDF document Steps to Address Bullying At Your School: Tips for School Administrators (PDF - 13KB) – This publication explains why schools need bullying prevention programs and gives 3 steps on how to start a program at your school.
  5. Federal resource Stop Bullying Now! What Adults Can Do - Educator's Corner – This section of the Stop Bullying Now! campaign web site contains information on what school administrators and teachers can do to prevent bullying.
  6. Adobe PDF document A Dozen Things Principals Can Do To Stop School Violence (Copyright © NCPC) (PDF - 12KB) – This article gives 12 steps that principals can take to prevent school violence.
  7. Adobe PDF document Bullies (Copyright © North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service) (PDF - 4KB) – This publication explains bullying, dispels common myths about bullying, and provides tips for parents and teachers on how to prevent bullying.
  8. Adobe PDF Gangs and Youth: A Guide for Social Workers (Copyright © NASW) (PDF - 287KB) – This guide is a part of a web-based educational campaign by the National Association of Social Workers that offers resources and tools to assist professionals, parents and teens in achieving healthy and positive outcomes. The campaign focuses on building the social and emotional skills adolescents need, as well as offering information about diversity and tolerance.
  9. High School: Countering Harassment and Bullying (Copyright © ESR) - This site provides information on the Bullying prevention program for high school educators from Educators for Social Responsibility.
  10. Middle School: Harassment and Bullying in Middle Schools (Copyright © ESR) – This site provides information on the Bullying prevention program for middle school educators from Educators for Social Responsibility.
  11. Operation Respect: Don't Laugh at Me (Copyright © Operation Respect) – The Don't Laugh at Me program uses music and other educational tools to help children learn about bullying.
  12. The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (Copyright © Olweus Bullying Prevention Program) – This site explains the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. It provides information on program effectiveness, training, timeline, and costs. It contains program materials that are available to order.
  13. The Steps to Respect Program (Copyright © Committee for Children) – The Committee for Children provides a program that tackles bullying by involving students, parents, and educators. The program offers a step-by-step process to engage community members at different levels by providing the proper tools for implementation and assessment of school-wide involvement, as well as outlining useful lessons and trainings.
  14. Adobe PDF document What Works - and Doesn't Work - in Bullying Prevention and Intervention (Copyright © NASBE) (PDF - 131 KB) – This publication defines bullying behavior, lists common mistakes in bullying prevention and intervention, and describes what works.
  15. Words that Heal: Using Children's Literature to Address Bullying (Copyright © ADL) – This issue of the newsletter ADL Curriculum Quarterly contains information on how children's books can be used to discuss bullying.


  1. Small picture of the United States flag National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
  2. Small picture of the United States flag National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
  3. Federal resource National Mental Health Information Center, SAMHSA
  4. Small picture of the United States flag Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, U.S. Department of Education
  5. Small picture of the United States flag Stop Bullying Now!
  6. Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
  7. Children's Safety Network
  8. National Organizations for Youth Safety


Federal resource = This article, publication, web site, or organization is from the U.S. government.

Adobe PDF Document = You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader® to view some of these files after you've downloaded them. If you have problems with PDF documents, please download the latest version of the Reader®.

Content last updated August 12, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
