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Filing Resources


The types of filings processed by the Federal Reserve System are presented below. Select a filing type to obtain the required form and filing instructions.

Bank Holding Company Formation/Expansion Filings
Bank Holding Company Nonbanking Activities Filings
Other Bank Holding Company Filings
State Member Bank Filings
International Organization Filings

Bank Holding Company (BHC) Formation/Expansion Filings
Formation of a BHC that qualifies for expedited processing (Riegle Notice).
Formation of a BHC that does not qualify for expedited processing.
Acquisition of an additional bank or BHC that qualifies for expedited processing.
Acquisition of an additional bank or BHC that does not qualify for expedited processing.
Expansion of a foreign BHC that qualifies for expedited processing
Formation or expansion of a foreign BHC that does not qualify for expedited processing

Bank Holding Company Nonbanking Activities Filings
Commencement of an activity listed in Regulation Y that qualifies for expedited processing.
Commencement of an activity listed in Regulation Y that does not qualify for expedited processing.
Notification after starting a permissible nonbanking activity.

Other Bank Holding Company Filings
Notice of intent to acquire a controlling interest in a bank holding company.
Request to redeem equity securities.
Notice of intent by a troubled bank holding company to add an individual to the board of directors or to employ an individual as a senior executive officer.
Used by individuals and filed in conjunction with other reports to provide supporting financial and employment data regarding a notice of change in control or a notice of a change in director or senior executive officer.

State Member Bank Filings
Application for membership in the Federal Reserve System by a bank in formation.
Application to receive or retain membership in the Federal Reserve System.
Application to merge or consolidate with another insured depository institution.
Application to establish a new branch facility (de novo).
Request to increase investment in bank premises.
Notice of intent to acquire a controlling interest in a bank.
Notice of intent by a troubled bank to add an individual to the board of directors or to employ an individual as a senior executive officer.
Used by individuals and filed in conjunction with other reports to provide supporting financial and employment data regarding a notice of change in control or a notice of a change in director or senior executive officer.

International Organization Filings