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The Association for Conflict Resolution
is a professional organization
dedicated to enhancing
the practice and public understanding
of conflict resolution.

Here's Why You Should Join




Call for Nominations for Board of Directors


Each year, ACR seeks dedicated, energetic, enthusiastic, talented and knowledgeable members to become volunteer leaders as Board Directors and Officers.  If you are such a member or know a member who qualifies, this is the time to consider becoming a candidate (or nominating someone) for a seat on the Board.


Click here for complete information.




ACR 9th Annual Conference

Convening "Whole of Community":

Integrating Approaches and
Practices to Address Conflicts in a Chaotic World


Atlanta, Georgia

October 7 - 10, 2009


Click here for conference details.




NPR’s Morning Edition Focuses on Elder Mediation


April 13, 2009 -- NPR’s Morning Edition focused on Elder Mediation today when NPR’s Joseph Shapiro interviewed Rikk Larsen, a founding partner of Elder Decisions in Massachusetts along with Bob Rhudy, co-founder of Senior Mediation and Decision-Making Inc. in Baltimore, and Penny Hommel co-director of The Center for Social Gerontology in Michigan. The piece touches on the value of a neutral third party to help families negotiate difficult situations and choices involving elderly family members. It also provides tips for finding a mediator in its accompanying Web story and links to the ACR Mediator/Arbitrator Referral List.


To listen to the interview, click here.


To read the accompanying article, click here.



ACR's Professional Liability Insurance Program


ACR introduced a new program covering Professional Liability Insurance for our members in 2008. ACR's overriding purpose in changing its professional liability insurance program for members was to improve the coverage for members. Click here to see a chart highlighting some of those areas of member benefit improvement and for complete details on the program.


Building Widespread Public Awareness of

Conflict Resolution and Its Many Advantages


For Conflict Resolution Professionals


As a member of the profession, you already know what conflict resolution is about. You’re familiar with the wide range of processes used to encourage nonviolent dispute resolution outside of the traditional court system. You also know that conflict resolution is making important differences in classrooms, businesses, organizations, local communities, and in the international arena. You’ve probably also thought that our field needs more champions to help increase public awareness and understanding of our work.


Educating the public about conflict resolution can positively impact your business and the profession. As more people become tuned into the benefits of conflict resolution, they will gain a stronger sense of its value. They will better understand how the appropriate use of conflict resolution can enhance the ability of individuals, families, neighbors, business colleagues, and others to resolve their interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, expeditiously, inexpensively, and in most cases, amicably.


Click here to learn what you can do to advance public awareness of conflict resolution.



ACR Education Section Presents Recommended Standards

To enhance quality and stimulate thought among participants in peer mediation programs


The Education Section of the Association for Conflict Resolution has published “Recommended Standards for School-Based Peer Mediation Programs.” This document is designed to establish model standards for peer mediator conduct and recommended standards for training (including professional development for adults), program evaluation, and program development & management.



Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators


The Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators, which was prepared in 1994 by the Association for Conflict Resolution in collaboration with the American Arbitration Association and the American Bar Association’s Section of Dispute Resolution, was approved by the ACR Board of Directors on August 22, 2005. Follow this link to view and download the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators.


ACR Endorses Revised Uniform Arbitration Act

At its June 2006 meeting, ACR’s Board of Directors adopted a resolution endorsing the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act (RUAA). The decision followed a process that included a legislative review and a member comment period. To read the Board’s endorsement resolution and the press release, click here.





Click here for ACR's 9th Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia!

October 7-10, 2009

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