Figure 6,,,,,,, "Higher Value Goods' Share of U.S. Freight Shipments: 1993, 1997 and 2002 * (Commodity Flow Survey Data Only) (Percent) ",,,,,,, ,Higher value-per-ton goods,Lower value-per-ton goods,,,,, Value 93,71,29,,,,, Value 97,71,29,,,,, Value 02,75,25,,,,, Tons 93,10,90,,,,, Tons 97,10,90,,,,, Tons 02,13,87,,,,, Ton-miles 93,16,83,,,,, Ton-miles 97,18,82,,,,, Ton-miles 02,18,82,,,,, " KEY: * 2002 data are preliminary.",,,,,,, "NOTE: Higher-value goods were valued at over $1,000 per ton and include pharmaceutical products, electronic and other electricals, transportation equipment, precision instruments, tobacco products, textile and leather products, and motorized vehicles. Lower-value goods were valued under $1000 per ton in 2002 and include milled grains, food and related products, chemical products, metal products, wood products, minerals and metallic products, fertilizers and coal. The data in this figure exclude the Bureau of Transportation Statistics estimates of out-of-scope missing pieces.",,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on 1993, 1997, and preliminary 2002 Commodity Flow Survey data.",,,,,,,