Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Table 4-4
Average Pricea of Fossil Fuel to End-Users

(Current U.S. cents per gallon)

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  Canada Mexico United States
1990 1995 1996 1990 1995 1996 1990 1995 1996
Motor vehicle fuel                  
Leaded NA NA NA 95.5 127.3 139.4 114.9 NA NA
Unleaded premium 204.4 178.7 186.8 NA NA 158.4 134.9 133.6 141.3
Unleaded regular 189.5 152.8 161 134.6 132.1 143.4 116.4 114.7 123.1
Average over all types                  
Price with taxes U U U U U U 121.7 120.5 128.8
Taxes 74.3 73.6 75.3 U U U 24.6 36.9 37
Price with taxes 163.2 116.4 119.9 81.4 96.7 106.6 U 110.9 123.5
Taxes 58.1 46.3 46.6 U U U 31.1 43.4 43.3
Aviation fuel                  
Gasoline 159.4 118.4 119.7 134.6 132.1 143.4 112 100.5 111.6
Jet fuel 83.5 53.3 58.4 95.3 67.4 88.6 76.7 54.6 64.8
Rail fuel                  
Diesel 89 59.3 64.8 81.4 96.7 106.6 69.2 60 67.7
Water transport                  
Combined fuels 54.4 38.1 43.8 30.7 24.8 49.8 U 38 42

aUnless otherwise stated in the country notes below, prices include the cost of the fuel and taxes. Taxes are given separately in thistable only for all types of motor vehicle gasoline and for motor vehicle diesel fuel. See Appendix B for information on fuel taxes in each country.

KEY: NA = Not applicable. U = Data are unavailable. 



Data refer to sales price to the public as of December 31 of each year.

United States

Motor vehicle fuel taxes: Sales weighted average of federal and state fuel taxes only. Does not include state sales taxes. If these wereincluded, they would raise the average tax in 1996 by roughly half a cent per liter for both gasoline and diesel. Note that the motorvehicle fuel prices do include state sales taxes.

Aviation fuel: Does not include any taxes. Price of jet fuel is that paid by the large certified air carriers, which are defined in

Appendix B.

Rail fuel: Price includes federal fuel taxes only; no state taxes are included.



Natural Resources Canada. Office of Energy Efficiency. (Ottawa, Ont.: 1998).


Petróleos Mexicanos. PEMEX-Refinación. Anuario Estadístico, 1998. (Mexico City, D.F.: 1999).

Petróleos Mexicanos. PEMEX-Refinación. Subgerencia de Planeación (Mexico City, D.F.:1999)

United States

Motor vehicle fuel: U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Information Administration. Annual Energy Review 1997. (Washington, DC:1998).

U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Highway Statistics, Summary to 1995. (Washington, DC: 1996).

U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Highway Statistics, 1996. (Washington, DC: 1997).

Aviation fuel, gasoline: U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Information Administration. Annual Energy Review, 1997. (Washington, DC:1998).

Aviation fuel, jet fuel: U.S. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Office of Airline Information. PrivateCommunication. (Washington, DC: 1998).

Rail fuel: Association of American Railroads. Railroad Facts, 1997 Edition. (Washington, DC: 1997).

Rail fuel taxes: Association of American Railroads. Private Communication. (Washington, DC: 1998).

Water transport: U.S. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration (MARAD). Private Communication. (Washington, DC:1998).

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