Table 12-1,,,,,,,,, Number of Transportation Vehicles/Equipment,,,,,,,,, ,,Canada,,,Mexico,,,United States, ,,,,,,,,, ,1990,1995,1996,1990,1995,1996,1990,1995,1996 ,,,,,,,,, Air ,"23,674","22,714","22,685","5,874","6,426","6,255","a197,200 ","196,800","201,900" Commercial aircraft ,"5,775","5,752","5,816",847,"1,283","1,184","a16,125 ","18,270","18,597" Jets ,344,380,414,100,175,177,"a5,166 ","5,724","6,158" Non-jets ,"5,431","5,372","5,402",33,57,57,"a10,959 ","12,546","12,439" General aviation ,"17,899","16,962","16,869","5,027","5,143","5,071","a181,100 ","178,500","183,300" ,,,,,,,,, Road ,"16,981,130","r17,048,297 "," r17,182,626 ","10,165,715","11,917,543","12,395,935","193,057,376","205,427,212","210,236,393" Personal vehicles ,"12,981,053","13,512,653","13,562,927","7,089,059","8,183,903","8,623,267","186,234,513","198,022,288","202,533,376" Passenger cars ,"12,622,038","13,192,272","13,251,146","6,839,337","8,046,926","8,436,909","133,700,496","128,386,775","129,728,341" Motorcycles ,"359,015","320,381","311,781","249,722","136,977","186,358","4,259,462","3,897,191","3,871,237" Light trucks,N,N,N,N,N,N,"48,274,555","65,738,322","68,933,798" Buses ,"63,962","64,339","64,550","94,575","121,870",p98477 ,"626,987","685,503","696,609" Charter ,"1,810","2,661","3,305",U,U,U,N,N,N Intercity ,"1,356","1,191","1,052","30,579","47,254","p43,533 ",N,N,N Local motor ,"11,243","10,852","10,797",U,U,U,"58,714","67,107","p67,874" School ,"29,726","27,934","27,855",U,U,U,N,N,N Commercial freight vehicles ,"176,368","181,568","206,305","2,982,081","3,611,770","3,674,191","6,195,876","6,719,421","7,006,408" Single-unit trucks ,"40,719","33,463","35,290",U,U,U,"4,486,981","5,023,670","5,264,554" Tractors ,"66,919","87,662","92,059",U,U,U,"1,708,895","1,695,751","1,741,854" ,,,,,,,,, Rail,,,,,,,,, Cars,,,,,,,,, Freight cars,"123,137","110,784","109,578","46,602","35,042","29,438","1,108,734","1,134,203","1,153,209" Intercity passenger train cars ,"1,088",517,466,"1,427",767,513,"1,863","1,722","1,730" Locomotives ,"3,562","3,299","3,258","1,677","1,400","1,318","19,153","19,125","19,568" Freight ,"3,351","3,171","3,142",U,U,U,"18,835","18,812","19,269" Intercity passenger ,211,128,116,U,U,U,318,313,299 ,,,,,,,,, Transit ,"13,156","13,140","13,049",N ,N ,N ,"92,961","115,874","p119,556" Transit railcars ,"1,913","2,288","2,252",238,322,331,"15,747","15,721","p16,006" ,,,,,,,,, Water transportb,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,"237,733","244,683" Passenger vessels ,N,N,N,62,58,57,U,"159,177","168,576" Recreational boats,N,N,N,N,N,N,U,"154,369","163,756" Passenger cruise ,55,52,50,N,N,N,U,126,136 Other passenger ,87,87,88,62,58,57,U,"4,682","4,684" Freight vessels ,"1,082",747,734,"1,938","1,916","1,903",U,"74,375","76,107" Liquid ,47,31,29,34,33,32,"4,216","4,181","4,116" Tanker ,44,31,29,34,33,32,213,195,178 Tank/barge ,3,0,0,N,N,N,"4,003","3,986","3,938" Dry bulk carrier ,83,74,73,3,1,1,81,78,72 Other dry cargo ,89,40,40,242,229,222,"27,940","28,039","29,429" Container ,1,1,1,N,N,N,89,91,88 Specialized carrier ,5,0,0,13,13,13,143,181,180 General cargo ,62,39,39,22,16,15,592,390,386 Dry cargo barge ,21,0,0,207,200,194,"27,116","27,377","28,775" Miscellaneous types ,863,602,592,"1,659","1,653","1,648",U,"42,077","42,490" Fishing ,512,312,298,"1,437","1,392","1,392",U,"35,658","36,038" Offshore vessels ,44,23,27,25,56,56,"1,177","1,291","1,275" Tow boatsc,0,178,178,80,97,91,"5,213","5,128","5,177" Other ,307,89,89,117,108,109,N,N,N ,,,,,,,,, "aAir data are for 1992, the earliest year for which data are broken out in this fashion.",,,,,,,,, "bUnless noted, water transport vessels represent those which are operated by the individual country but not necessarily owned. Vessels are organized according to the International",,,,,,,,, Classification of Ship Type (ICST).,,,,,,,,, cTowboats include both pushboats and tugboats.,,,,,,,,, KEY: N = Data are nonexistent. p = Data are preliminary. r = Data are revised. U = Data are unavailable.,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, NOTES All Countries "Air: For Canada and the United States, on-demand air taxis are included in commercial aircraft and are excluded from general aviation. For the United States, this is different from the" "way the data are sometimes presented. For Mexico, air taxis are included in the total for commercial aircraft and are not identifiable as jet and non-jet in the registration files." "Road: Personal vehicles, light trucks: Mexico’s total for personal vehicles includes light trucks (such as sports utility vehicles, pickups and minivans). However, it is not possible to fur-" "ther disaggregate light trucks. The U.S. total for personal vehicles does include light trucks, and light trucks are also identified as a separate vehicle category. Mexico may also include" "light trucks such as pickups in its total for commercial freight vehicles. Canada’s total for personal vehicles does not include light trucks. However, light trucks are included in Canada’s" overall road total. "Water Transport: Freight vessels: The total for freight vessels represents the sum of the liquid, dry bulk carrier, other dry cargo and miscellaneous type vessel categories. Mexican data" for container and tank barge vessels have not been included in its total because data for these types of vessels are nonexistent. Canada "Buses (charter, intercity and local motor): Data are derived from a sample of Canadian companies engaged in scheduled intercity bus, urban transit, school bus, charter and other" types of bus service from Statistics Canadas annual Survey of the Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Industry. Local motor buses are also included in the total number of transit vehicles. "Commercial freight vehicles: Data are based on Statistics Canada’s Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, supplemented by data from Canada’s vehicle registration files. The figure for" "commercial freight vehicles is not a sum of single-unit trucks and truck-tractors, because other types of freight vehicles are included in the commercial freight vehicles total. Data for" "single-unit trucks and truck-tractors are estimates for owner-operators and/or Canadian for-hire motor carriers earning annual revenues greater than or equal to $25,000 (Canadian)." "Transit: The total for Canadian transit includes transit rail and local motor bus. Transit rail includes commuter rail, heavy rail and light rail." Mexico "Commercial aircraft: Includes taxis not identified in the records as jets or non-jets. Data for taxis are 714 in 1990, 1,051 in 1995 and 950 in 1996." Road (intercity buses and commercial freight vehicles): Data refer to vehicles devoted to the federal public service and private service. United States Air and general aviation: Rounded to the nearest 100. "Road: All U.S. road data represent registered vehicles, except local motor buses which are active passenger vehicles. Totals for all road vehicles comprise all types of buses including" "intercity, charter, school and local motor bus. Local motor buses are also included in the total number of transit vehicles. Passenger cars include taxis. Light trucks include vans, pickup" trucks and sports/utility vehicles Rail: Freight rail cars (except those owned by car companies and shippers) and locomotives are Class I railroads only. See Appendix B for the number of freight rail cars owned by car companies and shippers. "Transit: The total for U.S. transit includes transit rail, local motor bus as well as trolley buses, ferries and transit for the disabled. Transit rail includes commuter rail, heavy rail and light" rail. The number of commuter railcars includes locomotives. Water: Recreation and fishing vessels: Represent U.S. owned- and operated-vessels. All other vessels: Represent U.S. flagged vessels. U.S. flagged vessels are U.S. operated but not necessarily owned. SOURCES Canada "Air: International Civil Aviation Organization. Civil Aircraft on Register. Digest of Statistics No. 437. (Montréal, Que.: 1998)." "Road: Statistics Canada. Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, Catalogue No. 53-215-XPB; Road Motor Vehicle Registrations, Catalogue No. 53-219-XPB; and, Trucking in" "Canada, Catalogue No. 53-222-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various years)." "Rail: Statistics Canada. Rail in Canada, Catalogue No. 52-216-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various years)." "Transit: Statistics Canada. Passenger Bus and Urban Transit, Catalogue 53-215-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various years)." "Water transport: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Statistical Tables - 1990 Table 2, and World Fleet Statistics - Table 2, Editions 1995 and 1996. (London, UK: various years)." Mexico "Air: Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes. Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil. La Aviación Mexicana en Cifras, 1990-1996. (Mexico City, D.F.: 1997)." "Rail: Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México. Series Estadísticas, 1990, 1995 and 1996. (Mexico City, D.F.: various years)." "Road: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática based on data collected by the Departamento del Distrito Federal, Dirección General de Autotransporte Urbano,", "Direcciones de Policía y Tránsito Estatales y Municipales. (Mexico City, D.F.: various years).", "Transit: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. Dirección de Estadísticas Económicas. Based on data collected by the Sistema de Transporte Colectivo y Eléctrico", "in México City, Sistema de Transporte Eléctrico de la Zona Metropolitana in Guadalajara and Sistema de Transporte Colectivo in Monterrey. (Mexico City, D.F.: various years).", "Water transport: Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes. Coordinación General de Puertos y Marina Mercante. (Mexico City, D.F.: 1997).", United States, "Air: U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Administrator’s Fact Book. (Washington, DC: August 1998 and December 1996).", " U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Statistical Handbook of Aviation, 1996. (Washington, DC: 1997).", U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. General Aviation and Air Taxi Activity Survey. (Washington DC: April 1998)., "Road: U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Highway Statistics, 1996. (Washington, DC: 1997).", " American Public Transit Association. Transit Fact Book, 1996. (Washington, DC: 1996).", " Association of American Railroads. Railroad Facts. (Washington, DC: 1997).", " National Railroad Passenger Corp. Amtrak Annual Report 1996. (Washington, DC: 1996).", Water transport: U.S. Department of Transportation. U.S.Coast Guard. Office of Marine Safety. Merchant Vessels of the United States.,"(Washington, DC: 1998)." " U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Navigation Data Center. Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States, Calendar Year 1996.","(New Orleans, LA: 1997)."