Table 11-4b,,,,, Top 20 Mexican Water Ports by Tonnage,,,,, (Domestic and International): 1996,,,,, (Thousands of U.S. short tons),,,,, Port name,Total,Domestic,International,Containerized,Number of ,,,,shipments,vessel ,,,,(as percent of,entrances/ ,,,,total tonnage),clearances ,,,,, "Cayo Arcas, Camp. ","34,691",4,"34,686",NA ,417 "Pajaritos, Ver. ","34,560","6,702","27,858",NA ,954 "Dos Bocas, Tab. ","25,835",49,"25,786",NA ,"1,145" "Salina Cruz, Oax. ","18,517","12,785","5,732",0.8,537 "Isla Cedros, B.C. ","16,297","8,277","8,019",NA ,"1,189" ,,,,, "Lázaro Cárdenas, Mich. ","13,235","4,102","9,134",0.8,425 "Manzanillo, Col. ","11,016","4,209","6,808",16.8,704 "Veracruz, Ver. ","10,932",696,"10,236",23.2,"1,396" "Tampico, Tamps. ","9,231","2,635","6,596",6.4,"1,148" "Tuxpan, Ver. ","7,768","4,658","3,110",0.1,327 ,,,,, "Guerrero Negro, B.C.S. ","7,595","7,595",N ,NA ,"1,077" "Guaymas, Son. ","6,239","2,704","3,535",NA ,496 "Punta Venado, Q. Roo. ","6,637",NS ,"6,637",NA ,106 "Topolobampo, Sin. ","3,275","3,090",185,NA ,247 "San Marcos, B.C.S. ","3,071",7,"3,064",NA ,308 ,,,,, "Rosarito, B.C. ","2,908","1,791","1,117",NA ,99 "Coatzacoalcos, Ver. ","2,682",601,"2,081",NA ,267 "Altamira, Tamps. ","2,661",138,"2,523",41.6,667 "Progreso, Yuc. ","2,560","1,044","1,516",3.7,462 "La Paz-Pichilingue, B.C.S. ","2,221","2,041",180,NS ,600 ,,,,, Subtotal-top 20 ports ,"221,929","63,126","158,803",2.9,"12,571" "Tonnage, total all Mexican water ports ","229,786","69,805","159,980",NA ,NA Percent of tonnage of all Mexican water ports ,96.6,90.4,99.3,2.8,NA KEY: N = Data are nonexistent. NA = Not applicable. NS = Not significant.,,,,, NOTE: Ports are ranked by total tonnage.,,,,, "SOURCE: Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes. Coordinación General de Puertos y Marina Mercante. Los Puertos Mexicanos en Cifras 1990-1996. (Mexico City, D.F.: 1997).",,,,, ,,,,,