DOI Feature Audio
05/08/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced today in a press teleconference that he will retain a special rule issued in December for protecting the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act, but will closely monitor the implementation of the rule to determine if additional measures are necessary to conserve and recover the polar bear and its habitat. This is audio of his opening remarks at today's teleconference.   podcast
04/28/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar shared the accomplishments of the Department of the Interior's first 100 days under the Obama Administration in an all employee meeting. He spoke of progress made on all agenda items, the impact of investments Interior is making under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009, and he announced the new Office of Youth, a department-wide effort to educate, engage and employ youth.   podcast
04/27/2009 Secretary Salazar Moves to Withdraw Mountaintop Coal Mining Rule.  DOI Feature Audio
04/27/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar held a press conference today to announce that he is directing the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to file a pleading with the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. requesting that the mountaintop coal mining “stream buffer zone rule” issued by the Bush Administration be vacated because it is legally defective   podcast
04/22/2009 Secretary Salazar welcomes Earth Day 2009 and discusses the Department of the Interior's plans for a new energy frontier with forward-looking policies that help us protect our environment while powering a clean energy economy that will create millions of new jobs right here in America.   podcast
04/20/2009 Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar was joined by Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva to welcome a new exhibit at the U.S. Department of the Interior Museum in Washington D.C. Monday, April 20.   podcast
04/17/2009 Secretary Salazar, Navajo President Shirley Confer on Water, Education and Job-Creation Projects.   DOI Feature Audio
04/02/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar,on Thursday, released the Executive Summary of a report he commissioned in February from the U.S. Geological Survey and Minerals Management Service on U.S. energy resources and challenges on the Outer Continental Shelf.   podcast
03/30/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined President Obama as he signed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 at the White House.  DOI Feature Audio
03/30/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined President Obama as he signed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 at the White House on Monday. Among its many provisions, it makes official the National Landscape Conservation System. podcast
03/26/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack at a ceremony Thursday where Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd thanked U.S. wildland firefighters for their assistance during recent devastating fires in the State of Victoria, Australia. podcast
03/26/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined with the National Park Service, the District of Columbia and a number of partners to mark the beginning of the 2009 National Cherry Blossom Festival celebrating the planting of the cherry trees in 1912 as a gift of friendship from Japan. The Festival runs from March 28 through April 12. podcast
03/23/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey briefed reporters on the latest conditions at Mount Redoubt Volcano. The volcano erupted explosively on Sunday March 22. podcast
03/19/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined representatives from bird research and conservation organizations at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Thursday to release the first ever comprehensive report on bird populations in the United States. podcast
03/17/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Tuesday on the Department of the Interior’s energy policies, priorities and initiatives for U.S. public land and the Outer Continental Shelf.  DOI Feature Audio
03/10/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar along with Secretary for Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, spoke to the National Association of Counties this morning in Washington D.C. DOI Feature Audio
03/06/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar held a "Pen and Pad" press conference to announce that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will remove the gray wolf from the list of threatened and endangered species. podcast
03/04/2009 Secretary Salazar Tells Indian Country Recovery Package Includes Major Initatives to Create Jobs, Stimulate Economic Activity DOI Feature Audio
03/03/2009 President Barack Obama and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar marked the 160th Anniversary of the Department of the Interior today in a ceremony at the Yates Auditorium in the Main Interior Building. podcast
02/25/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the Department of the Interior will offer a second round of research, development, and demonstration leases for oil shale in Colorado and Utah podcast
02/23/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar participated in an historic roundtable of top leaders today at a summit examining how development of renewable energy and energy efficiency in conjunction with a "National Clean Energy Smart Grid" is an economic, environmental and national security imperative podcast
02/20/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar held a media roundtable at the Department of the Interior to discuss how the department will implement President Obama's economic recovery plan podcast
02/18/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar participated in a conference call to discuss the summit agenda for an upcoming forum in Washington D.C. entitled "National Clean Energy Project: Building the New Economy" podcast
02/12/2009 Secretary Salazar Pledges to Restore Trust, Strengthen Tribal Sovereignty, Promote Sustainable Economic Development DOI Feature Audio
02/12/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Senator Richard Durbin today commemorated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln at a ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial podcast
02/11/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined leaders of the Ford's Theater Society, the National Park Service and the District of Columbia at a ribbon-cutting to re-open Ford's Theatre podcast
02/10/2009 Secretary Salazar Details Strategy for Comprehensive Energy Plan on U.S. Outer Continental Shelf DOI Feature Audio
02/09/2009 Interior Funding in Economic Recovery Act Would Create 100,000 Jobs DOI Feature Audio
02/09/2009 First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama at the Department of the Interior podcast
02/04/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Withdraws Oil and Gas Leases in Utah DOI Feature Audio
02/04/2009 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Withdraws Oil and Gas Leases in Utah podcast
01/29/2009 Audio from Secretary's Media Roundtable DOI Feature Audio
01/22/2009 Listen to the Secretary's Remarks podcast