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December 21, 2004   E-gov confidence grows [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 21, 2004   OMB to evaluate e-gov initiatives [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 20, 2004   E-gov matures [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 20, 2004   MB outlines e-gov goals for 2005 [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 17, 2004   USDA provides up to $1 million and requests proposals for conservation partnership [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 16, 2004   Nonprofit group will evaluate Quicksilver projects [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 14, 2004   Reform appropriations [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 13, 2004   GSA e-gov office faces budget cuts [EXIT Disclaimer]
December 6, 2004   Congress cuts e-gov funds - again [EXIT Disclaimer]
November 14, 2004   Management goals are not forgotten [EXIT Disclaimer]
November 10, 2004   OMB plans info-sharing initiative [EXIT Disclaimer]
November 8, 2004   Documents get smart [EXIT Disclaimer]
October 28, 2004   Who’s who among the GCN Awards winners [EXIT Disclaimer]
October 27, 2004 Marks First Anniversary [EXIT Disclaimer]
October 26, 2004   OMB may seek new ways to pay for lines-of-business projects [EXIT Disclaimer]
October 11, 2004   Project brings grants programs to light [EXIT Disclaimer]
  HHS, other agencies collaborate to make pay off [EXIT Disclaimer]
October 11, 2004   [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 21, 2004   E-gov survey shows mixed results [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 20, 2004   OMB's rule: Pay as you go [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 14, 2004   NIH Pioneer Award Candidates Apply through [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 13, 2004   Feds set plan to make data easier to find [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 13, 2004   Winners of Government Computer News' Agency Awards [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 13, 2004   OMB sets plan to review all 25 e-gov projects [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 8, 2004   OMB's Evan's raises project reporting bar [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 8, 2004   OMB to verify, validate e-gov projects [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 6, 2004   E-gov to get PR makeover [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 6, 2004   Gilligan and Nelson: Providing EA value [EXIT Disclaimer]
September 3, 2004   Reference model on deck [EXIT Disclaimer]
August 30, 2004   Seeking e-gov users, OMB goes Madison Avenue [EXIT Disclaimer]
August 25, 2004   OMB hires marketing firm for e-gov projects [EXIT Disclaimer]
August 23, 2004   Going for green [EXIT Disclaimer]
August 23, 2004   OMB marketing blitz to get the word out on e-gov [EXIT Disclaimer]
August 17, 2004   The funding equation starts at 300 [EXIT Disclaimer]
August 16, 2004   Be Wary [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 30, 2004 How does E-Grants Streamlining Affect Me as a Grantee? [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 26, 2004   The allure of keyless entry [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 19, 2004   Major programs within HUD [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 19, 2004   Bush management agenda still a work in progress [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 15, 2004   President and CEO [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 12, 2004   Education pushes grants online [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 5, 2004 goes to fee-for-service [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 5, 2004   OMB's advice: Communicate and innovate [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 5, 2004   Safecom's critical point [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 5, 2004   One move at a time [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 5, 2004   Letters to the Editorial [EXIT Disclaimer]
July 1, 2004   Slow March Toward Online Government [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 30, 20   A look at the pros and cons of e-government [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 29, 2004   House staffer defends e-gov funding [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 29, 2004   Users increasingly return to e-gov sites [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 28, 2004   OMB Initiates Funding Model for [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 28, 2004   Web services need push from the top, experts say [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 28, 2004   Bye-bye. e-government [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 24, 2004   OMB unveils changes to funding [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 23, 2004   Raising the Bar [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 14, 2004   PureEdge Customers Rev up Usage [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 7, 2004   Not Out of the Woods Yet [EXIT Disclaimer]
June 7, 2004   Agencies Warm to Share in Savings [EXIT Disclaimer]
May 26, 2004   E-gov or the Telephone [EXIT Disclaimer]
May 25, 2004 offers one-stop shopping [EXIT Disclaimer]
May 25, 2004   OMB Evaluates Share in Savings for Consolidation Products [EXIT Disclaimer]
May 24, 2004   A Quick Trip Through E-gov Evolution [EXIT Disclaimer]
May 24, 2004   Telephone Still Most Popular Despite E-gov Advances [EXIT Disclaimer]
May 19, 2004   HUD Grants of $2.3 Billion Now Available [EXIT Disclaimer]
May 3, 2004   GSA lab to test authentication [EXIT Disclaimer]
April 21, 2004   E-gov effort seeks to pare redundant spending [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 25, 2004   E-gov objectives largely unfulfilled [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 24, 2004   Electronic Government: Initiatives Sponsored by the Office of Management and Budget Have Made Mixed Progress, by Linda D. Koontz, director, information technology, before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census, House Committee on Government Reform. GAO-04-561T, March 24. [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 24, 2004   Eight IT projects get kudos for excellence [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 24, 2004   GAO: Administration Too Optimistic On Success Of E-Government [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 24, 2004   GAO: Most e-government projects have yet to meet original goals [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 22, 2004   Editorial: Where are the innovators? [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 16, 2004   Consultant provides assessments [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 1, 2004   E-gov officials eye grants, HR [EXIT Disclaimer]
March 1, 2004   Grab That Grant [EXIT Disclaimer]
February, 2004 Takes Applications Online [EXIT Disclaimer]
February 23, 2004   NOAA streamlines grant processing [EXIT Disclaimer]
February 4, 2004   White House expands e-government initiative [EXIT Disclaimer]
January 26, 2004   OMB names insider to oversee g-to-g e-gov projects [EXIT Disclaimer]
January 26, 2004   So Many Questions, So Little Time [EXIT Disclaimer]
January 26, 2004 Takes Applications Online [EXIT Disclaimer]
January 26, 2004   OMB names insider to oversee g-to-g e-gov projects [EXIT Disclaimer]
January 20, 2004   Omahans Looking for Cash Lose Money [EXIT Disclaimer]
January 13, 2004   HR, financial system consolidation next on OMB's hit list [EXIT Disclaimer]
January 9, 2004   OMB says it again: Use [EXIT Disclaimer]


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