The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

29 Surgeon General’s Reports on Smoking and Health, 1964–2006

1964 – Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service

1967 – The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Public Health Service Review

1968 – The Health Consequences of Smoking: 1968 Supplement to the 1967 Public Health Service Review

1969 – The Health Consequences of Smoking: 1969 Supplement to the 1967 Public Health Service Review

1971 – The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General

1972 – The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General

1973 – The Health Consequences of Smoking

1974 – The Health Consequences of Smoking

1975 – The Health Consequences of Smoking

1976 – The Health Consequences of Smoking: Selected Chapters from 1971 through 1975

1978 – The Health Consequences of Smoking, 1977-1978

1979 – Smoking and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General

1980 – The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women: A Report of the Surgeon General

1981 – The Health Consequences of Smoking–The Changing Cigarette: A Report of the Surgeon General

1982 – The Health Consequences of Smoking–Cancer: A Report of the Surgeon General

1983 – The Health Consequences of Smoking–Cardiovascular Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General

1984 – The Health Consequences of Smoking–Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General

1985 – The Health Consequences of Smoking–Cancer and Chronic Lung Disease in the Workplace: A Report of the Surgeon General

1986 – The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General

1988 – The Health Consequences of Smoking–Nicotine Addiction: A Report of the Surgeon General

1989 – Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking–25 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General

1990 – The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General

1992 – Smoking and Health in the Americas: A Report of the Surgeon General

1994 – Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A Report of the Surgeon General

1998 – Tobacco Use Among U.S. Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups

2000 – Reducing Tobacco Use: A Report of the Surgeon General

2001 – Women and Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General

2004 – The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General

2006 – The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Note: The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General, is an update of the 1986 Surgeon General’s report, and extends the database developed for the 2004 Surgeon General’s report. The full report and database, which enables users to explore the data and studies supporting the conclusions in the report, are available at:

Last revised: January 4, 2007