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Export Import Bank of the United States




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Loan Guarantee & Direct Loan Applications and Forms

Instructions: Most of these forms can be filled in on line, then printed, signed and mailed to the Ex-Im Bank, but they cannot be saved to your computer. Some forms, however, can be saved to your computer. Savable forms are labeled with this graphic: Fillable PDF file

More information about fillable forms is available in the Guide for Fillable Forms.

File Size
2nd Format
File Size
EBD-M-17 Application for Master Guarantee Agreement Fillable PDF file 17 Kb    
EIB95-9 Letter of Interest Application Fillable PDF file 468 Kb    
EIB95-9a Attachment A: Large Aircraft Transaction Fillable PDF file 727 Kb    
EIB95-9b Attachment B: Environmental Screening Fillable PDF file 974 Kb    
EIB95-9c Attachment C: Tied Aid Capital Projects Fund Fillable PDF file  118 Kb    
EIB95-9d Attachment D: Project Finance Letter of Interest App Fillable PDF file  737 Kb    

Medium-Term Insurance or Guarantee Application

 Prepare and file this application ONLINE! at Ex-Im Online

Fillable PDF file 1101 Kb    
EIB03-02g Medium-Term Application Guidelines Fillable PDF file 65 Kb    
EIB03-02gd Spreading Guidelines for Financial Statements PDF file 56 Kb    
EIB95-10 Application for Long-Term Loan or Guarantee
This package of documents contains the following components (with the exception of Attachment H which must be downloaded separately), all of which are on fillable forms:
Fillable PDF file 2.9 MB    
EIB95-10a Attachment A: Large Aircraft Transaction Fillable PDF file   815 Kb    
EIB95-10b Attachment B: Environmental Screening Document Fillable PDF file  879 Kb    
EIB95-10c Attachment C: Tied Aid Capital Projects Fund Fillable PDF file  720 Kb    
EIB95-10d Attachment D: Anti-lobbying Declaration/Disclosure Fillable PDF file  707 Kb    
EIB95-10e Attachment E: USED EQUIPMENT Fillable PDF file  658 Kb    
EIB95-10f Attachment F: Project and Structured Finance Fillable PDF file  526 Kb    
EIB95-10g Attachment G: Credit Information Fillable PDF file  241 Kb    
EIB95-10h Attachment H: Co-Financing with Foreign Export Credit Agency Fillable PDF file  648 Kb    
EBD-M-25 Attachment: Used Equipment Fillable PDF file 461 Kb (doc) 36 Kb
EBD-M-56 Exporter's Certificate for Direct Loan, Loan Guarantee & MT Insurance Programs Fillable PDF file 116 Kb (doc) 78 Kb
  Exporters Certificate for Cofinancing Transactions PDF file 89 Kb (doc) 88 Kb
  Anti-Lobbying Certificate required from Exporters and Local Cost Providers under Direct Loan Program PDF file 14 Kb (doc) 28Kb
Note-flg Floating Rate Global Note PDF file 35 Kb (doc) 103 Kb
Note-fxg Fixed Rate Global Note PDF file 18 Kb (doc) 37 Kb
Note-flsd Floating Rate Single Disbursement Note PDF file 47 Kb (doc) 46 Kb
Note-fxsd Fixed Rate Single Disbursement Note PDF file 15 Kb (doc) 32 Kb
Note-flse Floating Rate Serial Note PDF file 36 Kb (doc) 45 Kb
Note-fxse Fixed Rate Serial Note PDF file 47 Kb (doc) 32 Kb
Brazil-flg Brazil Floating Rate Global Note PDF file 72 Kb (doc) 108 Kb
Brazil-fxg Brazil Fixed Rate Global Note PDF file 42 Kb (doc) 51 Kb
Mex-flg Mexico Floating Rate Note PDF file 82 Kb (doc) 98 Kb
Mex-fx Mexico Fixed Rate Note PDF file 68 Kb (doc) 77 Kb
  Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan Fixed Rate Debt Instrument
PDF file 40 Kb (doc) 37 Kb
  Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan Floating Rate Debt Instrument PDF file 62 Kb (doc) 45 Kb
EIB01-02 Content Report Form Fillable PDF file 202 Kb (doc) 27 Kb
EIB01-02-A Cause Report Form Fillable PDF file 161 Kb (doc) 24 Kb
EBD-M-59 Acquisition List Fillable PDF file 39 Kb    
  Medium-Term Loan Guarantee Program        
MGA-M MT Master Guarantee Agreement PDF file 256 Kb    
ANNEX-M MT MGA Annexes PDF file 187 Kb (doc) 232 Kb
MGA-MFC MT MGA Foreign Currency Supplement PDF file 100 Kb    
ANNEX-MFC MT MGA Foreign Currency Annexes PDF file 245 Kb (doc) 241 Kb
EBD-M-39 MT Credit Standards PDF file 178 Kb (doc) 318 Kb
  Foreign Content for Medium-Term and Long-Term Loan Guarantee        
  Medium-Term Delegated Authority (MTDA)        
  Program Overview        
  Program Description PDF file 128 Kb    
MGA-D Master Guarantee Agreement PDF file  317 Kb    
DALA Delegated Authority Lender Agreement PDF file  210 Kb    
  Long-Term Loan Guarantee Program        
MGA-L LT Master Guarantee Agreement PDF file 229 Kb 274 Kb
ANNEX-L LT MGA Annexes PDF file 148 Kb (doc) 122 Kb
MGA-AL LT Agency Master Guarantee Agreement PDF file 363 Kb (doc) 276 Kb
ANNEX-AL LT Agency MGA Annexes PDF file 166 Kb    
MGA-LP Master Guarentee Agreement Long Term Political Risk Guarantees PDF file 287Kb (doc) 281Kb
ANNEX A-F MGA-LP Annexes PDF file 107Kb (doc) 122Kb
  Foreign Content for Medium-Term and Long-Term Loan Guarantee        
  Local Cost        
  Calculating Ex-Im Bank Local Cost Support        
EBD-M-13 Ancillary Services Fee Policy Fillable PDF file 20 Kb    
EBD-M-26 Standard Repayment Terms PDF file 66 Kb    
EBD-M-01 Credit Guarantee Facilities PDF file 29 Kb (doc) 25 Kb
EBD-M-08 Tied Aid Capital Projects Fund PDF file 39 Kb    
EBD-M-60 Sub-Sovereign Program        
  Foreign Currency Guarantee        

Last updated: June 24, 2008





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