Interactive Guide for Small Business Exporters
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Access Short-Term Export Credit Insurance

1. Small Business Multi-Buyer Policy and
Environmental Small Business Multi-Buyer Policy
2. Short-Term Multi-Buyer Policy
3. Short-Term Single-Buyer Policy

1. Small Business Multi-Buyer Policy and Environmental Small Business Multi-Buyer Policy

For qualifying small businesses, we offer enhanced coverage. To qualify as a small business, the U.S. exporter (together with affiliates) must meet the U.S. Small Business Administration’s definition of a small business and have export credit sales of less than $5 million. Although Environmental Small Business policyholders must initially have export credit sales of $5 million or less they can keep their policy no matter how big they grow. See list of environmentally eligible exports in chart below.

Features include:

  • No first-loss deductible
  • Simplified premium-rate schedule
  • Enhanced assignment (for qualified exporters), an attractive financing feature that allows your lender to advance on the insured receivables with limited risk


Product Overview Latest Online
Application Latest Online
List of Environmentally Eligible Exports Latest Online
Short-Term Credit Standards Latest Online
Compare Small Business
with Standard Multi-Buyer Policy
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Compare Small Business
with Single-Buyer Policy
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Compare Multi-Buyer
with Single-Buyer Policy
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Special Buyer Credit Limit Application Latest Online
Rate Schedule Latest Online
Reports of Premiums Payable Latest Online
Multi-Buyer Policy Text Latest Online
Foreign Content Latest Online
Assignment of Policy Proceeds (standard) Latest Online
Assignment of Policy Proceeds (enhanced) Latest Online
How to File a Claim Latest Online
Trade Reference Form Latest Online
Report of Overdue Accounts Latest Online
Ex-Im Online User Guide - New Multi-Buyer Insurance Policyholders
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Ex-Im Online User Guide - Existing Multi-Buyer Insurance Policyholders
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Updated: April 11, 2007

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Script: Interactive Guide
Script: U.S. Exporter Video