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Export Import Bank of the United States




Board of Directors

James H. Lambright, Chairman and President

President George W. Bush elevated Lambright to chairman and president in July 2005 from his position as the Bank’s executive vice president and chief operating officer. Lambright came to Ex-Im Bank in 2001 from Credit Suisse First Boston Corp. in Los Angeles, Calif., where he was vice president, private equity. The United States Senate confirmed his nomination on July 20, 2006.

First Vice President and Vice Chair

Diane Farrell, Member of the Board of Directors

Diane Farrell was sworn-in on August 7, 2007 for a term ending on January 20, 2011. As a member of the board of directors, Farrell is responsible for voting on Ex-Im Bank transactions in excess of $10 million as well as on significant matters affecting Bank policy. Among her responsibilities, Farrell represents and promotes the interests of small business exporters.

Bijan R. Kian, Member of the Board of Directors

Bijan R. Kian was nominated by President George W. Bush on July 20, 2007 and was confirmed by the United States Senate on August 1, 2007. He was sworn-in on August 7, 2007 for a term ending on January 20, 2011. Kian was formerly director of the State of California Office of Foreign Investment, which, with worldwide offices, was the state's leading office for attraction, retention and expansion of foreign direct investment with an $86 billion foreign investment portfolio. He was also on the board of the California Housing Finance Authority, and a senior official and board member of a number of California companies.

J. Joseph Grandmaison, Member of the Board of Directors

J. Joseph Grandmaison was sworn-in as a member of the board of directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States on July 28, 2006. Grandmaison served from 1993 to 2001 in the Clinton Administration as director of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (TDA), and was a board member at Ex-Im Bank from December 2001 to July 2005.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke

Board Member, ex officio

U.S. Trade Representative: Ambassador Ron Kirk

Board Member, ex officio


Page Updated: May 4, 2009





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