These pages enable you to find current and past CRA ratings and PEs for specific institutions that
have been examined by the FDIC since July 1, 1990. The site offers users the opportunity
to search for the ratings and PEs of one or more institutions through the use of drop down search
options for criteria such as "Asset Size", "Exam Period", "CRA Rating", "City", etc.
FDIC Release Date refers to the year in which the FDIC made public (via monthly Press Release) the results of a CRA examination. For example, if the PE for a CRA examination was made public in the press release of June 1996, you would enter “1996” in this field. The actual exam date can be found in the public evaluation.
If the FDIC no longer supervises an institution due to charter conversions, closings, mergers or
other activity subsequent to the most recent FDIC examination, the CRA Rating and asset
data from the last FDIC examination will appear in the default query results. However, the name of the
current supervisory agency will also be provided. For CRA performance ratings of banks currently
supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve Board (FRB), or
the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), use the Interagency Ratings Web site of the
Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council (FFIEC).
The FDIC provides quarterly updates for FDIC-supervised institutions to the FFIEC.
Due to the timing of updates to the FFIEC Web site, there may be a difference in data obtained
between the FDIC and FFIEC Web sites and other information sources.