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CitizenFeedback Survey

Link: The Federal Consulting Group - U.S. Department of the Interior - National Business Center

August 22, 2005

(202) 906-7049

To: Federal Staff Responsible for Website Performance
From: Federal Consulting Group

Subject: Measure, Monitor, and Control Your Web Operations Make sure your Website isn't hiding something

Are you absolutely certain that your agency Website is without flaws? We thought so. Very few sites can claim to be flawless.

Architectural Mapping/Website Analytics Software

The Federal Consulting Group (FCG for short) has a new product that will help you get control of your Website—architectural mapping and web analytics software from Maxamine, the premier Website quality and compliance product in the market. With more than 80 scanning possibilities, it will inventory and report both your Website's strengths and weaknesses.

Before FCG partnered with Maxamine, Ron Oberbillig, FCG's Chief Operating Officer, asked the company to try the software out on a large federal Website. The Maxamine “spiders” instantly found pages slow to open because of large graphics, turned up broken internal and external links, identified inconsistencies in metadata, and found other quality-related flaws like very old content and unencrypted pages. Even more important, the software found links to inappropriate Websites. (Apparently an agency let a URL registration lapse and another organization took over the address.)

A follow-up scan found that reworking the site's images made a big difference. The agency now uses the software on a regular basis to ensure quality.

In sum, with the right architectural mapping and web analytics software, you can work below your agency's homepage to identify and remedy defects that might be hiding from you.

What Maxamine Software Does

Maxamine software puts you in control, providing in-depth analysis of:

  • » Architecture Mapping: How is the site designed? What are its contents, and what does it link to outside the site?
  • » Overall site quality: can people find the site; can they find what they are looking for in the site; is the site free of defects?
  • » Security hazards, such as links to staging or development servers, or machines located behind the firewall.
  • » Privacy issues, including presence or absence of privacy statements, identification of all personal data being collected and whether forms are encrypted; identification of conditions where sensitive data may be leaking to another site.
  • » Compliance with Section 508 requirements, ensuring your site is accessible by visually impaired persons; adherence to the recommendations made as a result of Section 207(f)2 of the e-Government Act.

You can obtain Maxamine software directly and immediately from the Federal Consulting Group, a franchise in the U.S. Department of the Treasury. FCG is not only the gateway to Maxamine, it's also the gateway to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, the nation's leading national indicator of customer satisfaction with U.S. products and services. It has been a standard metric in government since 1999.

It's Complimentary!

In fact, if your agency subscribes to the ACSI assessment service or plans to—and hundreds of federal programs do—you will receive a complimentary Maxamine scan by either renewing your service or starting a new subscription. More extensive services are available at a very reasonable price.

For More Information

Go to this fact sheet for more about Maxamine (266kb) PDF. Contact us at 202-906-6068 to request additional information or schedule a product demonstration.


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The Federal Consulting Group
U.S. Department of the Interior • National Business Center

1951 Constitution Ave, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20245
Phone: (202) 513-7687
Fax: (202) 513-7686