"Table 1: Connections Available by Terminal Type ",,,,,, ,Intercity ferry terminals,,Transit ferry terminals,,All terminals, ,Total,Percent,Total,Percent,Total,Percent Lower 48 State terminals,67,100.0,187,100.0,254,100.0 No connections,36,53.7,107,57.2,143,56.3 Connect with 1 other mode,28,41.8,63,33.7,91,35.8 Connect with 2 or more modes,3,4.5,17,9.1,20,7.9 ,,,,,, Alaska terminals,36,100.0,2,100.0,38,100.0 No connections,28,77.8,0,0.0,28,73.7 Connect with 1 other mode,8,22.2,0,0.0,8,21.1 Connect with 2 or more modes,0,0.0,2,100.0,2,5.3 ,,,,,, Hawaii terminals,4,100.0,0,—,4,100.0 No connections,4,100.0,0,—,4,100.0 Connect with 1other mode,0,0.0,0,—,0,0.0 Connect with 2 or more modes,0,0.0,0,—,0,0.0 ,,,,,, Total,107,100.0,189,100.0,296,100.0 No connections,68,63.6,107,56.6,175,59.1 Connect with 1 other mode,36,33.6,63,33.3,99,33.4 Connect with 2 or more modes,3,2.8,19,10.1,22,7.4 NOTE: Percent totals may not add up due to rounding.,,,,,, "SOURCE: Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database, U. S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics as of December 2008.",,,,,,