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Africa: News & Events


Ex-Im Bank conducts 1- and 3-day training seminars for anyone interested in learning more about Ex-Im Bank programs. Seminars are held bi-monthly at Ex-Im Bank's headquarters at 811 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20571 and throughout the year at various locations throughout the country.

Upcoming Seminars and Events:

Featured Event:

Small Illinois company wins $350 million contract to expand electricity transmission system in Ghana, backed by Ex-Im Bank Financing -- August 28, 2008: A 13-employee engineering firm based in Mount Prospect, Ill. has won a $350 million rural electrification turnkey contract from the government of Ghana, and will procure equipment and services from U.S. suppliers around the country to fill the order backed by a $344 million loan from the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank). Read more: Small Illinois company wins $350 million contract to expand electricity transmission system in Ghana, backed by Ex-Im Bank Financing.

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Updated: April 3, 2009





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