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Export Import Bank of the United States




Ex-Im Bank in Turkey: Overview

Ex-Im Bank is committed to supporting exports of U.S. goods and services to Turkey. Current exposure in Turkey is approximately $3 billion, representing Ex-Im Bank's fourth largest market (behind China, Mexico and Brazil). The expansion of the Bank's business in Turkey has followed the Turkish government's commitment to economic reform and the development of a hospitable investment climate. Annual authorizations for Turkey have averaged $225 million, a figure that should increase as the demand for U.S. capital goods and Turkish entities capacity to borrow continue to improve.

Ex-Im Bank's experience in this market has been very positive, marked by strong relationships with the Ministry of Finance, the Undersecretary of the Treasury and numerous private sector banks and companies. Ex-Im Bank is willing to work with credit-worthy buyers in both the public and private sectors on short, medium and long-term transactions. More information about Ex-Im Bank products and policies , as well as additional benefits available for limited recourse and aircraft transactions, can be found on our website.

In fiscal year 2004, Ex-Im Bank supported more than $240 million in financing for the Turkish market, including purchases of medical, transportation and power generation. Ex-Im Bank has supported large power projects in Turkey, including those in Ankara, Izmir, Zorlu, Gebze, Adapazari, and Marmara, all on a project basis. Ex-Im Bank has also provided financing in support of power plant expansions by several "autoproducer" and "generation" companies, including Zorlu Enerji, Nuh Enerji, Habas Sinai and Bis Enerji. Most recently, Ex-Im Bank authorized $160 million in financing for the purchase of U.S. good and services in support of the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline project. Going forward, Ex-Im Bank will continue to look for new avenues, such as our emergent municipal finance program, to support the development of Turkey's water, transportation and energy infrastructure.

Ex-Im Bank is also willing to work with Turkish companies participating in the ongoing reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Although currently closed for routine transactions in Afghanistan, Ex-Im Bank could extend financing to a Turkish borrower purchasing U.S. goods or services who is ultimately selling to an Afghan buyer. Additionally, Ex-Im Bank can offer support for Turkish companies engaged in reconstruction efforts in Iraq through our $500 million short-term insurance facility with the Trade Bank of Iraq. .





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