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Visitor Center - Your Forest

What kind of tree is this? The Tree Guide knows.
National Forest System lands like the Idaho Panhandle National Forests are open to anyone! It's your forest! But how much do you really know about the flora and fauna, and other natural features of the area? The Forest Service has lots of information to share on all different biological and ecological aspects of the Idaho Panhandle that make the area unique. Hopefully these guides help you appreciate and understand your forest a little bit better.

Death of an Ecosystem
Perspectives on Western White Pine Ecosystems of North America at the End of the Twentieth Century

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GIS is a computer based tool for mapping and analyzing features and events. This page makes electronic map data we use in our analyses available to you.

The Natural Inquirer
The Natural Inquirer, was created so that scientists can share their research with students. Each article tells you about scientific research conducted by scientists in the USDA Forest Service. The Kids' Corner has game and articles of interest to kids of all ages.

More Kids in the Woods
The Forest Service is contributing to a national movement to bring kids to nature and nature to kids. This web page details ways we are working to make that happen.

Tree Talk
Monthly articles from the Idaho Panhandle National Forests featuring items of interest on a variety of topics related to YOUR forest.

Wildlife of the Idaho Panhandle National Forests
Over 300 wildlife species make their home on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests. Learn about the 18 species that are the focus of our wildlife program. Also available as a downloadable guide in PDF format (506k).

Trees of North Idaho
Want to know what kind of tree hangs over your favorite campsite? Identify native trees with this guide. Also available as a downloadable guide in PDF format (1.1mb).

Wildflowers of North Idaho
Curious about the flowers you are most likely to see on your forest excursion? Learn to recognize them with this guide. Also available as a downloadable guide in PDF format (700k).

Edible and Medicinal Plants of North Idaho
Many North Idaho plants have some edible or medicinal value. This guide explores the historical importance to Native Americans and early explorers in the plant's edible and medicinal properties. Also available as a downloadable guide in PDF format (463k).

Poisonous Plants of North Idaho
Some North Idaho plants bite back! This guide can help you recognize poisonous plants commonly found on our forest. Take the time to be informed and safely enjoy your forest experience. Also available as a downloadable guide in PDF format (2mb).

Noxious Weed Guide
These alien invaders often crowd out native plants and create problems for people and the environment. Learn to recognize them with this guide. Also available as a downloadable guide in PDF format (1.3mb).

Gathering Firewood
Basic information you should know before cutting firewood. Details on permits, where and what to cut, the best firewood, and fire safety.

Future additions...

This section of the website is devoted to providing general information about the environment and ecosystems of North Idaho. If there is any specific information or guide to your forest that you would like to see, please use our comments page to tell us about it! We will try to add that section in the future when the information becomes available to us.

Last updated: 02/03/09