Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 9
Intermediate Inputs to Output in Truck Transportation

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Year Current Prices Quantity Indexes Growth Rates (percentage)
Gross Output (current $ billions)
Intermediate Inputs (current $ billions)
Interm. inputs to gross output [(2)/(1)]
Output Index (2000=100)
Interm. Input Index (2000=100)
Time Period
Intermediate Inputs
1987 $ 82.5 $ 38.6 0.47 48.70 42.398      
1988 $ 92.9 $ 45.0 0.48 54.74 48.613      
1989 $ 101.0 $ 49.9 0.49 57.38 51.553      
1990 $ 111.6 $ 59.0 0.53 60.68 57.752 1987-1990 7.6 10.9
1991 $ 111.9 $ 57.8 0.52 61.89 56.016      
1992 $ 121.1 $ 64.0 0.53 67.01 62.016      
1993 $ 127.9 $ 66.2 0.52 69.71 63.298      
1994 $ 141.8 $ 73.4 0.52 76.23 69.218      
1995 $ 148.0 $ 77.9 0.53 78.29 71.421 1987-1995 6.1 6.7
1996 $ 157.0 $ 85.0 0.54 82.54 76.409      
1997 $ 168.2 $ 89.8 0.53 86.32 79.823      
1998 $ 184.1 $ 97.9 0.53 92.63 88.337      
1999 $ 198.7 $ 108.8 0.55 97.52 96.326      
2000 $ 213.2 $ 120.4 0.56 100.00 100.000      
2001 $ 205.7 $ 112.4 0.55 93.83 93.128 1995-2001 3.1 4.5
2002 $ 204.1 $ 108.7 0.53 92.20 90.166 1987-2001 4.8 5.8
2003 $ 196.8 $ 99.6 0.51 86.71 79.979 2001-2003 -3.9 -7.3

Sources: BEA internet site. Annual Industry Accounts: http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/dn2/gdpbyind_data.htm

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