Federal Aviation Administration

Aviation Career Education (ACE) Camp Program Photos

Updated: 10:42 am ET March 12, 2009

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3 F-16's Students at an ACE Camp get ready to see an inflight refueling mission with the Maine Air National Guard.
F-16 about to be refuled by a KC-135 Boom operator maneuvers the boom to fuel the jet.
F-16 being refueled by a KC-135 Boom is hooked up and ready to fuel.
ace camper standing inside of an engine to show how big it is A student stands in an airplane engine to show how big it is.
ace campers in a cockpit Students enjoy a ride in an airplane.
ace campers stand near a helicopter Students in the Great Lakes Region enjoy "Discovering Aviation Day."
Dakota and Daniel pose with Udo Cassee with an airplane behind them. Alaska ACE Academy 2006 campers Dakota and Daniel with Civil Air Patrol pilot Udo Cassee.
ACE campers viewing instructions on how to preflight an airfoil. Alaska ACE Academy 2006 campers learn how to preflight an airfoil.
ace campers congregate in a room with airplance overhead Alaska ACE Academy 2006 campers learn about the dynamics of flight with the use of paper airplanes.

10:42 am ET March 12, 2009